Speaking of work, who knew you could get your schedule in advance? I didn't until today. You can get up to two weeks in advance over the phone with E-saile, which is awesome, I love knowing when I'm working because it makes it so so much easier to plan things, and you know how I love to plan, so its pretty cool!
So Fafinettex3 has inspired me to start up my youtube videos again. I had 8, before I started adding more, which really shocked me, because I didn't think I had really done that many and now I'm starting to add some more. What I really want tho, is a laptop with a webcam, so it's way faster to upload my videos' and their in better quality because using my cell phone really just is not getting it. lol.
So, I come back to work, and they toss my back on register, which I was prepared for. What I wasn't prepared for is Alley telling me the news of the day! So apparently, sweet albeit sarcastically named Happiness has snitched on poor albeit greedy Donatello causing him to be FIRED! Sacre' Bleu! Now, I'll never see Donatello again. It's a tragedy! I wish I was there when he got fired, so I could somehow stop it from happening! I was very sad to hear such horrible news.
So, I have a slight crush on my friend Mandark. I know I have a boyfriend and technically it's not cheating if you don't do anything with/to him, but its like always there and lingering on the surface. I just can't help it we have so many things in common and he's just so cute! We can talk for hours! And he's putting in his 2 weeks NOTICE! Which greatly saddens me. :(
Saw my gangsta cousins today. Haven't seen them in over a month. They are the shit and even though you don't know you better recognize. lol.

With all due respect,
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