Learn about Me: 10 Favorite Books.

November 22, 2013

 Its about that time again gang! You get to learn a little bit about me! If you don't know I like to read, like a LOT! So Below is a list of my top 10 favorite books of all time. Every year, it changes, because every year, new books come out, but this one's been pretty consistant.

1. Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll

2. The Eyre Affair, by Jasper Fforde

3. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

4. The Wager by Donna Jo Napoli

5. Bunnicula by James Howe

6. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ( I enjoy the series, but this is my favorite novel) by J.K. Rowling

7. A Series of Unfortunate Events : The Austere Academy ( I enjoyed the series but this is my favorite) by

Lemony Snicket

8. It Girl : Lucky by Cecily Von Zeigesar

9. Gossip Girl by Cecily Von Zeigesar

10. I am not a serial Killer by Dan Wells

This will be an open topic on my twitter! Come join the conversation!


November 12, 2013

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but this year's the weather was catastrophic. Literally, there was a tornado watch in effect. But did we let that stop us from getting our costumes on, and grabbing candy? OF COURSE NOT! I took my younger sister, her best friend, then my three cousins Trick or Treating, in the Wind and Rain storm! I swear I caught Pneumonia that night! My aunt dressed up George (The dog) as an inmate. He was ADORABLE!!! I couldn't stop taking pictures of him! He was just too precious! We watched a marathon of Scary movies, including the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street,
Halloween 1-6 and Friday the 13th 1 and 2, but I fell asleep on two, so I don't know what else they'd watched after that. The day before Halloween, I got all decked out in my costume, and went to a house party. It was the lamest house party, I ever had the pleasure of attending but I had wayyy to much fun. It was the usual HEY EVERYBODY LETS GET DRUNK AND DANCE, kind of party, but I met new people, and I LOVE meeting new people. Hopefully, Next Halloween the weather will be better. My sister, her friend and I were Heroes. Batman, Superman, Robin respectively. It quickly became one of my favorite costumes of all time. I bought the shorts, the corset and the mask at Spirit, and then I got the tights from Citi Trends for ONE DOLLAR ( I literally couldn't pass it up), and then the boots I bought at Party City. While I was out getting final pieces of costumes for my Sister and her friend, Spencer's had another hat sale. Buy one get one 50% off, so of course, I couldn't pass that up either, and I got a Batman and a Superman snapback! It really is becoming an addiction...If I'm not careful, It's going to turn into my comic or heaven forbid MY YARN HABIT! My Sister and my younger cousin, who dressed up as Jason Vorhees ( Friday the 13th killer/ She's 10) did a stop action photoshoot, of Batman getting stabbed. (Oh, the things we get up to on Halloween.)  I know it's only been like nine days since Halloween, But I already can't wait for next year. I have so many costume ideas floating around in my head, that I'm surprised it hasn't exploded yet.

Until Next Time,

I'm a Shameless Marvel Fan Girl.

November 11, 2013

 I am currently sitting in a Barnes and Noble in Newport, Kentucky. One, it was the only place I could find free wifi. Two, their cheesecake is horrible. Three, I am waiting for the time to pass until the beginning of the Thorsday movie marathon. Today Newport's AMC theatre is showing Thor , The Avengers and then the premiere of Thor 2: The Dark World.
  The reason I am such a shameless fangirl is because I ADORE Marvel. It doesn't matter what it is, how long its been out, or how long ago it was made. I will go pick it up, and give it a totally biased read through. The only Marvel Character that hasn't gotten this treatment is Iron Man. I know that most girls find Tony Stark to the be the Bees Knees. But I personally cannot stand him. I don't think he's cute, I don't think his attitude is attractive, and honestly if I was the black widow, I would have punched him in the face twice already because I honestly just don't have the patience, for people with his brand of confidence..
  Before this date, I had never given Thor another glance either. I just couldn't see it, you are a NORSE GOD. I just can't believe that you would want to be a superhero, or that you would want to even help us mere mortals. However, since Dark World comes out, I thought it was be a good way to understand the mind of Thor, and hang out with the besties. I starts in about 20 minutes so I'll be signing off soon, but just for discussionary purposes, anyone have any thoughts about the new Ms. Marvel?

Til Next time,

Handheld Mistress #19: The Revival

November 7, 2013

Todays topic? NEW VIDEO GAMES!!! I stopped by my all time favorite game shop: Game Stop, and picked up a few new games for my 3DSXL. I wound up picking up a few new titles to play, and review for future posts.


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