Hey Gang!
I'm trying to keep up with the momentum of my latest outfit post! This is a bit older, but since I haven't talked about this, I figured this would work out just great! On Mother's Day, I halfed the day. The beginning of the day, I spent at the hospital with my mother. and then the later half I spent with Alex and his family, exploring the new liberty township mall.

We went to go see Captain America: Civil War in this super fancy dine-in theater, called Cine-Bistro. You guys, it was so posh! I couldn't believe it, I felt super weird taking photos in the theater, because I didn't want them to kick me out, or think I was trying to record the movie, so inside photos are cell phone quality. They served alcohol so you couldn't be younger than 21 in order to get in, but you guys I loved it so much! I wish I had thought of it, I would definitely like to be able to run my own little movie theater. I've been thinking about what I want to do as a career for the rest of my life lately, and movie theater owner, has been in the top 5 running for that past decade or so.

The seats reclined with a push of a button. The menu had a decent amount of variety, but since I was still on my all seafood kick, I went with the Pan Seared Atlantic Salmon; On lemon whipped Potatoes with smoky bacon collard greens, saute'ed shrimp, tomatoes and avocado-key lime butter sauce. I was really stepping out of my comfort zone with this meal, because I've never had avocados before, and I've never been a fan of diced tomatoes. I've always liked them beaten to a pulp and pureed into a sauce. So this was definitely something new for me.

I could see why you had to be 21 years old, this place really likes alcohol. An entire half of the menu is dedicated to it! They had lots of pretty desserts, but unfortunately I was unable to partake in any of them. Everything had nuts in it from the Chocolate Cake, to the Macaroons. With my Peanut allergy, I would have been put out of commission. I explored more of the mall area than the theater itself, and I took a bunch of pictures and video. I would like to go back when everything is open and explore whatever the Foundary might be. Alex and I even got some decent pictures taken out in the "Square".
Civil War was amazing and actually more than I hoped for. I was so interested in the movie that I didn't take ANY notes during the screening! I absolutely fell in love with the way they portrayed the Black Panther, everything about him was perfect right down to the member of Dora Mejia. "Move or Be Moved", has become an online movement! Since you guys know I'm not a fan of Iron Man, I was totally on Captain Amterica's Side. So I had to make sure that my outfit reflected that. My top is from Walmart, Shorts are from Hot Topic along with my socks, and my shoes are from Rue 21.
Did you like Civil War? Lets talk about it on
Twitter! I love talking to you guys about nerdom!
Until Next Time,
Stay Nerdy,
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