My love for this movie can be split up three ways. One; The indepth background look into Shrike's Last Trick. Two: The illusions were absolutely mind blowing. Three: You learned more about each individual illusionist.
- How horrible must it have been to see his father die, no wonder he has had that revenge plan for 30 years.
- "Don't believe for a second the eye can't be lied too." One of my favorite quotes from the movie.
- I thought that the horsemen had their own underground lair, but it was pretty crazy that he was able to meet up with the "eye" that way.
- I love that he was following the illusionists with carrier pigeons. It made me giggle.

- Also what is up with all the Octopus based bad companies lately? Octa in Now you See Me 2, Spectre in OO7: Spectre and of Course Hydra in the marvel movies...
- The illusions in this movie are a million time better than the last one, Atlas magic is pretty impressive. He's my favorite magician.
- Daniel Radcliffe played such an unhinged character! Those pictures he took though...He's crazy!
- Jack is so adorable around Lula! His face got super red, when she was kneeling next to him stealing his belt and wallet. I'd love to see them together.
- Poor Jack, His hypnosis skills need so much work....
- Their card work was so incredible! I was so enthralled by all of their card tricks during the heist. I was literally gripping the edge of my seat. I thin that was my favorite part of the entire movie.
- I hate that they kidnapped Dylan and put him in his fathers safe, that is SO fucked up. When Dylan figured out how to survive the safe, I was really hoping that somehow someway his father had made it out as well, and was waiting for him with the rest of the eye.
I thought it was so cool that the illusions were created/overseen by David Copperfield. The illusions in the Second Act in my opinion far surpassed the first one, and I honestly can't wait to go see it again. The movie was so good. I felt like a giddy school girl clapping and what not, I'm sure if someone had been paying attention to me, they'd be shaking their heads and wondering what grade I was in. When we got out there had been rain so there was the most awesomest double rainbow right over the theatre. I had to get a decent photo so I could show you guys! I was thoroughly impressed by the story as well. I would definitely go see this movie a couple more times and I highly recommend it to anyone. Whether you saw the original or not. 5 out of 5 stars!
Have you seen the movie? What did you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, If you have a twitter, you should come be friends! I love talking about all kinds of stuff!!
Until Next Time,
Stay Nerdy,
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