I've missed you guys!! What have you guys been up too? Did you have a fun weekend? I thought I'd catch ya up on a few things I've been doing lately
- Works been kind of crazy, so I haven't had a lot of time to do blog stuff. This is the fourth time I've re-written this post. Honestly its been driving me a little crazy.

- Downloaded Pokemon Go and am so in love! I've come across a Clefiary and an Evee. So Far, Alex and I have explored the Sanitation Department, Two parks, and walked a combined 12, 883 steps in the last two days. Its a healthy activity, and so much fun, especially to share with someone you love. Team Mystic Represent!!
- Finished my first book in a while. When I was younger, I was a voracious reader. I probably finished three to four books a week. I wasn't working a job then, or working on a plan for creating a semi-successful blog. It's called The Devil You Know by Trish Doller. An 18 year old feels like she has lost her chance to explore the world, when her mother passes away and her father withdraws. It leaves her caring for her younger brother and feeling like the world is passing her by. So when the chance to get out of the house arrives in the shape of two super cute boys that are interested in her, how could she say no? Its a romantic thriller, that did a decent job of giving me goosebumps. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.
- Bought fabric for the first time from Walmart. I got adorable DC heroine's fabric, and it inspired me to do more sewing. I've been practicing on lots of things. Adding piping to dresses, or fixing holes in Alex's shirts. I have no idea how Alex gets some many holes in his clothing from being a computer technician, but somehow he does...
- Pretty Little Liars is getting so intense man!! I'm so irked that I'm back to waiting an entire week biting at my fingernails, and dude, Elliot, is SO CREEPY!!! There has to be a conflict of interest being someone's medical caregiver and their husband.. And Wax faces of dead people?! COME ON.
I sort of miss when A was just a catty high school student pulling pranks, NOT a STONE COLD KILLER.
- The Guest Blogger Application is still open, so don't forget to email me! Don't miss your chance to write for a new audience!!
Have you guys been up to anything cool lately? Lets talk about it on twitter!!! Come be my friend, we talk about all kinds of things there!
Until Next Time,
Stay Nerdy,
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