KM:How long have you been a part of the D.I.Y. Movement?
CW: Hm. Well I suppose when I started making my own clothes a few years ago in college. I couldn’t find what I wanted in stores, so I started making my own stuff.
KM:Who taught you how to sew?
CW:I’m BASICALLY self taught. When I switched majors in college to Fashion Design, I realized I had never even been around a machine, so that Christmas I got my first sewing machine. I struggled a lot in class, and through the tears, I figured out stuff as I went.
KM:How old are you?
CW:Ew. I don’t like this question because I feel like I’m so old! 22 /:
KM:Are you in school? If so, what are you studying?
CW:Nope, not anymore. I attended school for three years, majoring both in Graphic Design and Fashion Design.
KM:When you first started your etsy, what kind of things did you sell?
CW:Hm. When I FIRST started out, mainly backpacks. I was feeling out where I wanted to go with it and how the whole Etsy thing worked.
KM:If you had it all over again, what would you do differently?
CW:Had what all over again? Life? Etsy? Starting my venture into selling my things? Hm. Nothing. I regret nothing. Everything’s a learning experience, and I wouldn’t be where I am without those mistakes.
KM:How long have you lived in Ohio?
CW:Ew. My entire life.
KM:Are you a social butterfly? Or a silent squirrel?
CW:Squirrel! I’m definitely a loner. I’d rather stay in and play games then go out to a party.
KM:What is your favorite School subject?
CW:Hm. Well when I was in school I really enjoyed Fashion Illustration. It was something I struggled with and hated at first, but then I learned and got better and I love it. I should probably upload some of my illustrations to Tumblr when I get the chance.
KM:What was your first sewing machine?
CW:My first/current machine is a Husqvarna Viking my grandmother purchased for me for Christmas at our local Joanns Fabrics.
KM:What is your favorite type of fabric?
CW:Actually, I’m not really sure. I’ve mainly worked with cottons, and a lot of fleece. I know what I don’t like though. I don’t like shear, flowy, drapey fabrics that shed everywhere and move all over the place when you’re trying to work with them.
KM:Do you wear makeup and if so what are your favorite brands?
CW:Haha, no way. Well, I guess I do technically, if slapping on some cover stick and black eyeliner counts. As for brands.. whatever’s at the grocery store when we’re picking up something for dinner that night lol. I’ve never really been into makeup, never learned how to put it on, and frankly, it intimidates me lol.
KM:Do you find it difficulty to sell your designs on Etsy?
CW:Well I haven’t really tried any other venues, so I can’t really compare it to anything. I’ve been doing pretty steady though since I started posting things in July.
KM:As a fashion designer, who is your fashion icons?
CW:Fashion icons? Hm. Well I derive inspiration from a lot of different designers/brands including: Betsey Johnson, Tokidoki, Tripp NYC, and Gwen Stefani.
KM:What is your favorite video game? And what is your favorite console?
CW:Favorite video game of all time? That’s a hard one. I have no idea. Probably Ocarina of Time. My all time favorite console would have to be the gamecube. :D I have a lot of fond memories with my ‘cube and a ton of games for it. Of this gen though, I’m a Playstation 3 fangirl for sure.
KM:If you could be any video game character who would you be?
CW:Myself! Or maybe Rikku from FFX because she’s totally cute :3
KM:Do you have any advice for people who are beginners in the etsy business?
CW:Just go for it. That’s what I did. You just have to put your stuff out there for people to see. Take good pictures, have good descriptions, promote yourself through a blog or facebook or whatever and just be out there.
KM:If you could be any super heroine who would you be?
CW:Probably an X-Men. That’s probably my favorite super hero franchise. I always tend to gravitate towards Storm because of her skin tone, and white hair is just sexy :p
KM:What was your first D.I.Y. project?
CW:Oh god. I think it was a pair of leg warmers? Oh no. No it was something awful. I decided to make this super ugly apron out of vinyl and plaid, because that’s the fabric I had lying around. It was horrible.
KM:What was your first video game?
CW:Sonic the Hedgehog on my brother’s Sega Genesis :p
KM:Do you have any sewing tips for beginners?
CW:Read a lot! Look up tutorials if you’re confused, and don’t be afraid of the machine.
KM:Any thing you would like to close with??
CW:With ambition and drive you can accomplish anything. I’m striving for the sky, and we’ll see where I go. :)
DISCLAIMER:. Also, I’m gonna throw out a disclaimer and tell you I am really freaking exhausted, so if something’s answered weird, that’s why n______n
If you are interested in learning more about Carmen you can visit her at these sites:
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