The other night I had the wonderful experience of going to see Suicide Girl's Blackheart Burlesque LIVE in Cincinnati~!!! Not only was it a fun time over all, but I also had the amazing pleasure of Meeting my favorite top of the top
Suicide Girls,
Radeo Suicide. If you don't know who she is you should really re-evaluate your life! I've always admired the Suicide girls for their complete confidence. Sometimes, I wish I had the confidence to flaunt it like they do, in a photo shoot, live on stage, for a dvd. It's something I have always admired about them, and wih I could have just a pice of it to supplement my own life.

Last night was my first Burlesque show, and it was amazing! My favorite performance was link! Although venue was kind of cramped, and there was barely any seating it was a good time, I thought I might get a better view by going into the crowd, it didn't work very well, once the show actually got started, but Alex (My tall knight in shining armor) found me a chair I could stand on, so I could see, and take even better photos! Some of them turned out really well, granted I took about 400, so I would be hella depressed if some of them didn't come out. I got a hoodie to rock during the winter, and a pair of panties that Radeo could sign, and some cool stickers!! I can't wait to put them on my laptop! I love going to events like these, rather than huge conventions, where people actually care about their fans. It makes me super happy, to be in love with anything.

I can't wait for the next cool opportunity to pop up on me! Since I live in a new place, I'm totes' ready for trying something new. What I wore: White Bunny ears ( I bent them with a pair of pliers + Purchased on Amazon), a White Corset (Hot Topic) and Jeans (lee, which were a perfect fit and only took me 20 minutes to find! Purchased from Wal-mart)
If you guys know of anything cool happening in the Cincinnati/Nky area, Make sure to leave it down in the comments!! I want to try and get out more. As always more updates and such at the
Twitta +
Insta! Make sure to stop by and say hi!!
Peace Out!
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