This place is collecting some serious dust! haha. I was kinda weening myself off because I assumed I'd be starting school soon, and would need to put everything on hold and focus on that. However, Since now, it's looking like I won't even be able to get my foot in the door for another 4 months I figure I can split my attention between a few things. Most people would be like JEEZ, 4 months? Thats a super long time. And there right it is a long time. However, I've been waiting to go back to school since December. That's half a year. 6 months! Whats another 4?
So I plan on spending my 4 month reprieve doing the following. I really wanna work on expanding my brand. I know there are only 4 things in the shop at the moment. When I opened it, and started to fill it with things. I thought I would do something different. The only things in the shop are complete re-designs/new creations. I didn't want to just resort to my old ways. That included my photography, my branding, and how I promoted myself.
I do have to admit it was a lot easier the year before last because I could hang posters around school (Dean if you are reading this, I NEVER did that.) and was able to get a few orders for custom scarves and hats for boyfriends, or hatcentric best friends. But I wasn't able to promote in the way I wanted. This year will be different. When I start school it will be 2012, and I will be ready for it. I have already re-designed my logo. I'm currently working on creating a design for my business cards, one that I like. The original Business Cards:

So I plan on spending my 4 month reprieve doing the following. I really wanna work on expanding my brand. I know there are only 4 things in the shop at the moment. When I opened it, and started to fill it with things. I thought I would do something different. The only things in the shop are complete re-designs/new creations. I didn't want to just resort to my old ways. That included my photography, my branding, and how I promoted myself.
I do have to admit it was a lot easier the year before last because I could hang posters around school (Dean if you are reading this, I NEVER did that.) and was able to get a few orders for custom scarves and hats for boyfriends, or hatcentric best friends. But I wasn't able to promote in the way I wanted. This year will be different. When I start school it will be 2012, and I will be ready for it. I have already re-designed my logo. I'm currently working on creating a design for my business cards, one that I like. The original Business Cards:
The new mascot + title:
I'm thinking of having raised ink on my business cards now. The design on her face will be raised in pink. I'm really thinking this will be cute. I decided to put the shop on vacation until my "shelves" are bursting with brand new designs! I'm thinking of deciding of creating a layout for Work in progresses.
So these are my work in progresses for this week. The one to left is a wristlet, I will be adding a cute design to the front and a band for easy carrying. The middle is Kristin's Birthday Scarf. I'm nearly Halfways done with it. and on the Right is the Heart Flutters scarflette. I need to add a button to complete the finished product.
So Be prepared for more layouts!!! Next week. There will be a lot of changes in the next coming week with the blog, the twitter and the facebook pages...
Mistress Arachnide,