2012 Resolutions

December 31, 2011

 Every year  I make a list of resolutions, but it is very difficult for me to finish them.  I would like this year to be different.  Here's my list of resolutions.

-Lose 70 pounds.
-Get My license.
-Get my apartment.
-Stop Procrastinating!- I did a little better this year, but next year I wanna delete it completely.
-Bring the shop back from the dead and actually make it work this year.
-Complete all the projects  I didn't in 2011. Tehe, There are BUNCHES!
-Expand My Makeup Collection.
-Expand My musical tastes/Collection.
-Attempt a yarn bombing. (I would like to try Someplace no one would expect like OTR, or PH, or Even NXS! That would be hilarious!
-Get My hair Shoulder length by the end of the year.

What are you guys Resolutions?

Mistress Out,

1 comment

  1. Apt., Car, Lose 30, Help someone for the good atleast ten times this year. Last year I think I helped out 16. Show this amazing girl that I love her by suprising her with something awesome. Get a laptop, start documenting my life in movies ,,pics, etc. Start a blog, Jumpstart my career. Get OVER 9000 hugs, and OVER 9000. Kisses from her. Read more philosophy, conquer my depression, and Make everyone that crosses my path smile.


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