Happy New Year!

December 31, 2013

I'm so excited for the new year!  I cant wait for all of the new experiences that are going to be heading my way. I'm going to try my very hardest to stay super positive all year long. The year always starts off really well and then things tend to go downhill. But I refuse to let it get me down. I only have a few resolutions for the new year.

1. Lose 30 pounds and keep them off (regular exercise)
 2. Get more organized. (No more letting bills and payments slide!)
 3. Become Debt free! (So when i move out of state it doesn't follow me.)
 4. Move out of fast food as soon as possible!
 5. Revamp the blog and actually keep up with it this year.
 6. Try to be more zen. Life is wayyy to short to get mad at the top of a hat.
 7. Stick out my relationships this year. If it gets tough i wanna get tougher.
 8. Do more pressy type things (conventions/interviews)
 9. Try not to be such a push over this year. If it doesn't sit right tell em!
 10. Finally, i just want to have fun this year and enjoy my life. I'll be 23, i wanna make this year count.

 What are some of your new year resolutions? The topic continues on twitter @provacatrix

Sincerely Yours,


Just back from Hobbiton...A mini marathon of Movie Double Features

December 30, 2013

I love movies. I adore them. If they keep my attention, I like them. It is as simple as that. I adore new and old, monochrome or color, cheesy or serious. I absolutely adore movies. On thing I like about them is how they make me feel. I feel free, like I'm floating over everyone else enjoying life instead of worrying about how said bills are going to get paid. It is an incredibly liberating feeling. I don't mind if I'm sitting in my bed re-watching something I've seen a million times, or if I'm decked out in full costume, enjoying a premiere.
  The past month or so, I've been heading to a local theatre a lot because its close to my boyfriend AND they show double and triple features. I was there for the Thor Marathon: Thor, Avengers and Thor 2: Dark World. Hunger Games Double Feature: Hunger Games and Catching Fire. The premiere of the 50th Doctor Who Christmas Special. Finally, The Hobbit Double Feature: The Hobbit and The Desolation of Smaug. Every one except for the Doctor, has some keepsake item given at the door, after you hand them the ticket.
  I have been to each one of these with my boyfriend with the exception of Hunger Games, I went with my younger sister and we had a ball! It doesn't matter if people are rude. It doesn't even matter, if the person sitting a few seats down is SNORING, there is honestly nothing that can ruin a movie experience for me other than a HORRIBLE ENDING. There are soo many great movies that could have been box office hits had they had the ending I wanted.

- Se7en

- Hunger Games: Catching Fire

- Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Pt. 1 ( There should have never been a part 2)

- Oleander

- Batman: The Dark Knight Rises ( Robin as his real name? Get over yourselves)

 Sincerely Yours,

P.S. The conversation continues on Twitter : @provacatrix What are movie endings that you hated?

Looking forward to a new year ( Inside Sneak Peek)

December 27, 2013

 Hello my lovely readers,
  Thanks for sticking with me all this time. I mean, I've been keeping this up since 2008! In May, that will have been six years! I think that's cause for celebration, don't you? So since the new year is literally around the corner I just wanted to say thanks again for all the support and hopefully, it will continue for the next few years to come!
   To ring in the new year, I will be overhauling the blog...again, but it's a new year its all about change and progress right? I want to streamline Vulcan Sugar and Spice, to include things that I like to do, I love my blog, but I feel like its hard for people to follow along because I try to include all kinds of things! Vulcan Sugar and Spice has no structure, and as my mother loves to inform me, you can't survive without structure.
   So bringing in the new year, will be a more streamlined Vulcan Sugar and Spice! Video Games, Photography and Comic books. I'm Ready for this are you guys?

Sincerely yours,

P.S. We can continue the conversation on Twitter: @provacatrix

If Only I had a nickle, Misfortune abound and New adventures.

December 6, 2013

     The last three weeks have the best and the worst I have ever experienced. I've had some really tough times,  and I really wish I could just file them away and never remember them again. So far, for the month of November, I've had my electricity turned off for no reason, Ive had both of the back cylinders on my car replaced, and since I was driving before I figured it out, my breaks could have gone out at any moment, which of course is highly dangerous, and then right before Thanksgiving, my apartment was broken into. They got away with all of my electronics, and a few of the cords, but the most important thing, they took my camera. I hadn't even had it for an entire year. I loved that thing, and someone took it from me. Honestly, I'm mad about all of the other things they took, but those are replaceable. Hell, even the camera is replaceable, but those photos? The ones still on the sd card, still in the kit? I'm never gonna get those back. Ever, its not like the people who stole it is going to have a conscience and email them to me. I'm never going to see those photos again. Just the thought of that, has made me so depressed that I haven't even wanted to journal, digitally or analog. I just don't understand how these things occur. I'm a nice person. I don't cheat anyone out of anything. I don't say no, instead I try to find a way to help everyone. When people come up to me on the street, I give them, what they ask for (Within reason) I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I've never stolen anything. I've never done anyone harm, and I am respectful to my elders. So why does it seem like everytime I turn around, something is screwing me over? I feel like that heroine in the Korean dramas. The one where all of the embarrassing things happen to her and at the end of the episode she is on her bed, rolling around screaming misfortune. Now I have a party to get ready for, that starts in less than 3 hours. My hair is a mess, my dress, shoes and tights are in a whole other location and there are 2 hills and countless high ways full of snow and ice, and dangerous drivers standing between me, and the location of the party.
Montage Sheer High Waist Black Dress  I'm so nervous about this party. Like I spent three weeks looking for the perfect dress. Pretty, but conservative. I found a really pretty black dress, with a sheer overlay. And I ordered it. 2 weeks ago. Its the night of the party, and it still hasn't arrived at my door. So last night I decided to go to the mall and see if I could find a dress fitting for the occasion. Where I lack in good luck, I make up for in finding sales. My mother and I went into Debs, and found that they were having a buy one get another 60% off on the entire store! So I bought two dresses. One is red, strapless, one of those hi-lo maxis, and then I got a knee length dress. White lace overlay on top of a rose pink strapless. and I bought black booties, with a platform heel to finish off the outfit. Hopefully, the day gets better, because I clearly have hit my limit. But in the good news department, I have a boyfriend.

Until next time,

P.S. Do you guys have any bad luck stories? I'd love to know I'm not the only one in the world having these issues. As always, the conversation continues on twitter!


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