If I had it my way I would paint the white house Black!

March 2, 2010

   Hey, So iknow I wrote something yesterday, but it's a new month and I just felt that I should write something considering how much of a Joyous event this is. I'm quite enjoying this updating both the vlog and the blog around the same time. It's making me quite giddy, which is evident in my new youtube video haha. I think I showed all Teeth. LOL. But, what really makes today joyous, are three things.

  • Michelle Obama, in a Junya Watanabe Sweater! Can you dig it? I can!

  • Tonight is FINALLY the talent Show! I have to be down there at 6, so I've already done my hair, and I've already got my outfit together! I just burned my cd, and now, I just have to calm down enough to perform. I know I'm going to be good, because I'm seriously like sweating out my perm, which is how I usually felt before a dance recital, and I was amazing! So I just have to keep that in mind as the talent show looms nearer. 

  • I've discovered THe Pretty Reckless! I already have 2 of their songs on my player, and I discovered them last night! I love everything about the band, plus their coming to oHio on the 28th of JULY! I'm soo geeked! Their playing the complete warped tour, and I can't wait. I'll be 19 when they hit the NATI! Boo-yah! It's Fronted by Taylor Momsen. You may know her better as 'Little J' perhaps??

Isn't she adorable??

  So, I've been studying up on my fashion a little bit, since I had some time off. And I came across a Photo of Emma Watson..


   So Emma Watson, is now a model, and a fashion icon. As you can see above and top left, she is on the cover of Flare, which is a canadian fashion magazine. She's taking the fashion world by storm, and there are even rumors of her starting a fashion line after she graduates from Brown.  I really hope she decides to do it, because I would definetely buy her stuff. Just all the things that she's been seen in seems to be of a really cute design, they all seems to be victorian based and really sexy! She gets my vote!

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