I know posting has been kind of wonky, but I have been so crazy busy!! This past weekend I was on the hunt for the perfect dress for Alex's holiday work party. But work kept getting in the way. I was thinking to myself, I'll look for a dress Tuesday Morning, then it was Wednesday Morning, then the next thing I know its the day of at 2 P.M. and I'm scouring the racks in the mall looking for something elegant and still me. Ugh, I hate how time gets away from me like that. I can wake up with the best intentions, a whole list of things that I know I want to do, and get accomplished, and then suddenly, its 4 P.M. and I"M LIKE WHERE DID THE DAY GO?!?!?!
That's why I'm so mobile, Why my mini has a keyboard, because I don't have enough time at home to do what I need to get done, it has to come along with me! I stopped into Hot Topic and got this super pretty Burgundy Filigree Skull Velvet Dress, and it had an oval keyhole in the back, as soon as I saw it, I was like this is it! Then I picked up a few pairs of earrings, and some Totoro Tights, and then I was off, looking for the perfect heels for the event.
I'm shorter than Alex so I absolutely love any opportunity to wear heels. It makes me feel good, and puts us on equal footing. (See what I did there?) So I hopped over to Rue 21, and low and behold there they were. Black platform Wedges with straps. They were glorious! Like there was sunshine light auras and everything! I tried them on and walked around the shop and I was so excited, I picked them up and then drove home. We got dressed and Drove off to the party. We Parked. We opened the door. We stepped outside the car. I stepped forward. And there went my strap. Just COMPLETELY BROKE OFF. Thank goodness, I decided to bring my flats so I could drive home, because otherwise, I'd have walked into the party barefoot. I WAS SO AGGRAVATED, Like I can't even describe it, I was seething for the first hour. Then we ate the most delicious greenbeans. Its not even...I can't... Ah, It was on point! I had three helpings, there was a baked Potato Bar, AND PRIME RIB!! I was thoroughly full, the food was GREAT!
There was a dance Contest AND we played ping pong. I've never had so much fun playing Ping Pong before! Alex and I played each other and then we played another couple, and it felt like a game of badminton. It was a great time. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!
On Sunday, My mother invited me to High Tea at the Cincinnatian Hotel. I love her to death, but that was probably the WORST day to have High Tea Downtown. It was a football game, and some other event that had Downtown in the worst traffic jam I had ever seen. Google said it was only 6 minutes away, but it took me 15 minutes to park, and then walk to the Cincinnatian. I'm not sure if its ever come up on the blog before, but I do NOT like Tea, or Coffee. So I was really excited when I realized that they had regular Soda. I had Sprite in a wine glass, I felt pretty fancy, if I do say so myself.
My Sister ordered Chicken and Waffle (S) even though there was only one, but she seemed to like it ok. My Cousin ordered Steak and Egg Flatbread and Crepes. I would have gotten the crepes as well, but they had coconut Quinoa in them, and I'm allergic. I got Pancakes and a Side of Potatoes. My Mother got the House Breakfast and a Dutch Apple Pancake. I wasn't able to taste that one either, nuts were sprinkled over it. We took a horse carriage ride around the block, and stopped by the book store. All in All, this past weekend was so much fun, and I even remembered to vlog a little! I hope you guys enjoyed your weekend as much as I did. If you are liking these kinds of posts, please let me know. I'm trying to come up with new content and I want to make sure that its content you guys are going to want to read! See ya Next Time!!
What did you guys do for the weekend? Tell me on Twitter!
Stay Nerdy,
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