Nerdette Minute #40: Teen Titans and the Judas Contract

February 23, 2017

Hey Gang!


So Excited to have another video for you guys! I wanted to kind of do a reaction video to the latest animated Dc Trailer. They are releasing an animated movie on the 18th of April called the Judas Contract, which is based of a story from the 80's. I've never read it, so I know there's a bit of misinformation in the video. I've just rented it from the Library, so I will read it, write about it, and get informed for the movie.
 With that out of the way, I'm so excited for another animated film from DC, Register is doing it right, their live action department should be taking notes. I have started re-watching the animated Titans series, and I'll be writing about that as well. I hope I won't completely tire you out on Teen Titans. I wrote about Teen Titans V.S. Justice League here.

Make sure you like, and Subscribe my videos so I know you like what I make! Until Next Thursday!

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