Monthly Favorites: January!

February 1, 2017

Hey Gang!

 Can you believe it's almost February?! Where is the time going? 2017 is already kicking it into high gear, and not really in the best of ways. Lets talk about some fun stuff that I discovered/fell in love with this past month!

 - This month started my position with Heroes and Coffee Podcast, as the host of #Superheroes101. I participated in two podcasts for the month of January, I'm pretty proud of myself. Have you listened to the podcast yet? Episode #52, was all about our Inspirational Heroes and episode #53 is all about Black Panther!

- I was just scrolling through things that I could buy on Amazon, ya know, the usual. I came across a few listings for episodes of Scooby-doo, that I had never seen before! You guys know how much I love Scooby-Doo, but to find episodes that I hadn't even heard of, I was so flipping excited, I've been watching through them, but it looks like I have about three more seasons to go through, and I honestly can't wait!

- I got to See Sailor Moon R in theaters, even after all of the craziness I had to go through to get tickets! I did a whole write up about it, you can read it here, and I hope other moonies out there got to experience its first time in theaters, I'm really really hoping that they bring S and Super S to theaters too, because lets be honest, those are the best ones!

- I successfully won a bid war for a Pentax K1000 Film camera this month, unfortunately, it didn't come with a lens, so now I'm on the lookout for that before I can start using it to photograph things, luckily, Mary came through with old film cameras that she doesn't use anymore. So I can also add a Nikon N65 to my collection. I picked up Black and White film, along with some color and I can't wait to show you guys what I do with it. I'll have a full post about it a little later on.

- I successfully survived my 3rd tattoo! I went to Asylum tattoo for my Scooby-doo mystery based tattoo, but I was not a fan of how the artist actually went through the with the tattoo. It felt like a carving than a tattoo, he was so rough!! It actually put me off from doing another tattoo for a while. It was probably mostly my fault, visiting multiple different places instead of just one artist. I'm pretty interested in getting my list of tattoos finished, but I guess I'll just have to take it slowly.

- THE Ira Hobbs Jr, started following me on Instagram. I can NOT even begin to tell you how excited this makes me. The Quintessential black nerd, I feel like I just leveled up in my nerd cred. Seriously! Heroes and Coffee Podcast has given me another avenue to express myself and I am so excited that people are starting to find me, and my work and that they are vibing with it enough to follow me!

- Falling in love with The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. As soon as I saw Panels talk about it on twitter, I knew I needed to find it and read it! After a while, I came across it at a comic shop near my parents. Sure, I could have ordered it from online, but I love giving money to local shops. They need love too and I feel like they are totally underappreciated. I finished the first volume and absolutely fell in love, there will be an entire post about it, because it was amazing! It inspired me to draw, and since we both share the same hair color, I would absolutely love to cosplay as her sometime soon, I might even take it to C2E2!

 Trump does NOT speak for me. I REFUSE to call him President, because he has done nothing DESERVING of the title. #NOBANNOWALL #NOTMYPRESIDENT. I am so absolutely appalled that this was even implemented. It has been stayed as of now, but that does not mean the battle is over. Please share and do your part, One person can only do so much, but together? Together we can change the world.

What are some of the things you loved this January? Lets chat about it on Twitter!!

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