I've been on a real "girl" kick lately. All I've been doing lately is curling up with my boyfriend watching Pokemon Movies, Knitting, and compiling makeup. It's really weird, I've been playing Pokemon a lot, but I haven't touched BioShock, and I don't miss it. I'm not sure if I am actually tired of the game, or just like most things, I need to take a break? I have even started knitting again! Finally working on my sister's Watermelon pillow, which she asked for as soon as I learned how, about 7 or 8 years ago. I will admit that I am not one to create on a timeline. I've definitely been working really hard on fixing that by trying to update VSS at least three times a week. I was doing pretty well for a while, but then the well just kinda ran dry. So I've been spending most of my free time, reading, trying to actually finish all the products I've started, and then I'll start posting them. My head is always practically bursting with new ideas, my issue is organizing my ideas and bringing them into fruition. So, while I work on that enjoy a nice little write up on the goodies I got from Sephora! I've been frequenting Sephora pretty often lately, I've picked up a few things, but I seem to be spending my money better, or I have a more keen sale sense, because I've been there two times recently, and have spent less than all of the other times I've been there combined. I got three things, and only spent like $30! If you've ever shopped at Sephora you already know that's pretty amazing.I picked up Fairy Tale (Sephora Lipstick), Bewitch me ( Sephora Creme Liner) and Coven (Kat Von D. lipstick) If you remember, Coven was the super light lavender lipstick that I was practically drooling over last makeup post. If you hadn't noticed I have resurrected the
youtube, It will honestly probably just be a re-incarnation of the catch-all I had before. As if you guys couldn't get enough of my ramblings already! After Sephora we stopped into Coldstone, it was my first time, I was always a huge Graeters fan. I decided to get a smoothie since we were walking around instead of my usual cup of three scoops. I was so excited they had watermelon Sorbet, who does that? Watermelon Sorbet I say!!! and then I mixed it with blueberry, it was so freaking refreshing and delicious! I was literally jumping around with excitement, and it was so good, I had to get it in a love it, size! I have even started knitting again! Finally working on my sister's Watermelon pillow, which she asked for as soon as I learned how, about 7 or 8 years ago. I will admit that I am not one to create on a timeline. I've definitely been working really hard on fixing that by trying to update VSS at least three times a week. I was doing pretty well for a while, but then the well just kinda ran dry. So I've been spending most of my free time, reading, trying to actually finish all the products I've started, and then I'll start posting them.
Stay Nerdy,
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