With all this time....

August 29, 2014

 As a proud nerdette, comic books has weasled itself into my fandom.  I've been reading comics on and off since I was a little girl. At the time, Manga and Novels just seemed to hold more of my attention. Don't get me wrong, I totally grew up watching any DC/Marvel animated movie I could get my hands on. I didn't jump into the comics craze until last year with my ex. We spent every Wednesday scouring the local comic shop, and I enjoyed every minute of it, I honestly thank whoever's on top everyday, that when we broke up that she didn't ruin my love of comics. Since Alex and I are going on a camping trip this labor day weekend, and like a real camping trip, away from all types of civilization, he keeps telling me to watch out for bears. So since, we're going to be very far from electricity, I decided to revisit my comic collection (I'm 6 months behind buying + at least a year actually reading them) and pull out the ones that I need to catch up on so I can read them while I'm away. Enjoy a small dive into my Comic habit. Hopefully, by the end of this trip I will be able to start back to collecting and just start automatically reading them! Who cares if I was literally a year late in picking up my favorite titles? I read faster than the average bear ya know.

Stay Nerdy,

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