So I guess this opinion thing is going to happen a lot more often then I expected it too. Thank you internet, for giving me the ability to forever be able to blog about something! Today, I shall talk about music that I have discovered this week on youtube.

Really Don't Care/Demi + Cher: I love this song! Upbeat, catchy and just all around fun. I love that she shot it at L.A. Pride. People really really need to get over this gay thing. They are just people like you and me. It honestly isn't a big deal. The only thing wrong with them, is that YOU are trying to keep them from having the same rights as I do.
This is How we Do/Katy Perry: I just feel like Katy is at that stage where she can do and sing about what she wants because she's pretty well known. Many celebrities get this way, and they just have a ridiculous funny album that people listen to when they're sad. I feel like this is one of those songs, also I don't honestly really know what I watched... Did I really just see an animated twerking strawberry ice cream cone?
Anything Goes/Lady Gaga+Tony Bennett: I am biased. I absolutely love Anything Goes, Even though lately, Lady Gaga's music and I haven't really seen eye to eye. I really enjoyed the rendition she did of the title song! Super Jazzy, And her musical talent really shows through, no bubble dresses, no meat heels, just her, short blonde hair, powerful lungs and a beautiful voice. Just as it should be.
P.s. Now back to your regularly scheduled Programming.
~Stay Nerdy!~
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