I honestly can't believe that we are already halfway through April! Where does the time go, goodness! For the next couple of weeks, I'll be making some changes to Nerdette At large. The type of content you'll find here, will be closer to the original postings of Vulcan Sugar and Spice. I got a little fame, and kind of lost my head, I feel like getting back to my original blogging roots, will help me keep a better schedule, and keep the blog feeling more like me, then what's popular now.
- Comic Reviews : Just got done reading X-men #1-5 By Wood, expect a post of that coming soon. I've decided that I won't be picking up any more comics until I finished reading the contents of my long box, writing blog posts will give me some motivation to finish so I can move onto new stuff like Storm (Pak) or Silk (lee)!
- Knitting roundups: I've been getting more and more of an itch to create things again. I even got a new set of circular knitting needles for making hats, and I just found the most amazing Silk bamboo yarn for the Gabrielle Vest, Post about that coming soon as well.
- Gaming Posts: Like Last Week's Apology letter, but with more pictures. I've actually been thinking about joining Twitch, and starting some tournaments, I've even been approached by other girl gamers about joining up and creating gaming content. It sounds like so much fun to me!
Finally, I just want to get back to the laid back flow I used to have when I started blogging. It was never difficult or hard when I wanted to write, it just kind of flowed whenever I put my fingers to the keyboard. I was never concerned about what people were going to say, or how they were going to respond because I honestly, didn't think anyone was reading it. I'm not saying that I wish the followers and supporters of Nerdette at Large weren't there, please do not misunderstand me, I am simply saying a while ago was a much simpler time, and I wish that I could get back to that kind of blogging. Where people blogged because they had something to say, not because they wanted to be on top of the competition.
Same Bat Time. Same Bat channel,
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