I am so excited about this. I have been branching out with the types of posts I've been wanting to create for you guys, for some crazy reason, I scored an interview with THE Jamie Broadnax, creator of Black Girl Nerds, THE community for like-minded ladies like myself. I am so excited to talk to her, and have you guys learn more about her. She was one of the first ladies to give me a chance as a contributor. She's a huge role model for Black female bloggers putting nerd in Pop Culture content!
What caused you to create Black Girl Nerds?
I noticed that nerd culture was becoming mainstream, but didn't see any black women so I decided to search Black Girl Nerds and nothing came up. So I created a blog that evening.
Where would you like to see BGN go? What would you like it to become ultimately?
I'd like to be a company. Just like other geek outlets who have been able to branch off and partner with companies; I'd like to see the same for BGN. I want to make this space my career.

Walk us through a typical day for you.
Sign on Twitter and Say Good Morning. Check emails, work my day job, come home and work on editorials, booking talent for podcast episodes, editing podcasts, checking more emails and live-tweeting on occasion. Sleep is a low priority these days.
Who are a few of your role models?
Oprah Winfrey, Shonda Rhimes, My mom.
Where do you get your inspiration?
My mom.
How does it feel to be verified on Twitter?
It Feels super cool! It's like I'm allowed to sit at the cool kids table.
Tell us something totally random.
I'm eating boiled egg whites as I type this.
Any favorite Bloggers you like to read?
Graveyard Shift Sisters, Black Nerd Problems and Nerds of Color.
Make sure you visit her sites and show her lots of love! Subscribe to the Podcast and support the Patreon! Definitely follow her on Twitter, her timeline is amazing and informative.
Until Next Time,
Stay Nerdy,
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