Personal Rant: The Struggle of finding the perfect notebook.

July 8, 2016

Hey Gang!

 You're going to learn a bit about me today and a little about my personality and I hope that's ok, because this is going to be a personal rant about how difficult it is for me to find the perfect stationery supplies. So buckle in this one is going to be quite a ride.
 If you have been following me for a while you know how much I love planning posts for the blog and all of my other social media on paper. Its my thing. I'm a huge fan of pens, stationery, planners and notebooks. I keep at least two notebooks in my purse at all times so whenever inspiration hits me I can write it down. I can outline and flesh out the ideas on paper, and then just type them up for the blog when they are finished. That's my blogging process just in case you were interested.
 Now I don't have a particular place that I love to buy notebooks from. It really is a struggle for me to find a notebook that works for my needs. Now most people would say thats because I'm crazy or I'm too picky and I'm just being ridiculous. If I was ranting about finding a planner, I would totally agree with them. It took half a year to find the perfect planner I fangirled on Instagram AND twitter when I found it, and I bookmarked the link, so I can order it again in 2018 when its time to get a new one.
 However, this rant is about my struggle for finding the next notebook successor. The needs for my new notebook are NOT the same needs that my planner has to fulfill. For example. Here's the must haves I need in a planner.

- Has to have a Monthly, and Weekly pages. There has to be enough room for me to place everything that I have to do for that week and that month and also create a todo list for the entire week.

- Has to have a ribbon marker. I HATE having to flip through it to find what I need.

- I HATE SPIRAL BOUNDS! Those abominations have no place in proper stationery. NONE! They never stay upright, they get bent and then the paper is ruined, and it scratches me constantly because one of the last rings will always end up sharp and deadly.

- I prefer ones with pockets in the back so I can put importantly things, like invitations and such.

- The pages have to be roomy and should be numerous. I'm very busy through the year, and I need to have all the space.

 So I can see why finding a planner for me is difficult and I can even see why people think I would be a crazy person . However, the needs for my Notebook? Not even close.

- Soft Cover that stays flat when open.

- A ribbon book mark.

- More than 160 pages

- Lined paper.

See? My needs for a notebook are pretty simple. However, the closest I've ever gotten was a notebook from Barnes and Noble, and when I opened it? QUAD PAPER?! Who even writes on Quad paper? Do I look like an architect to you? Why is that considered a notebook instead of a sketchbook. No where on the packaging did it even say that it came with quad ruled paper.
Ever since then I have been having the worst luck trying to find a notebook that is going to suit me. Now my search has only gone on for about a week. I like to look in bookstores, because I can feel the paper and the cover and see all of the attributes.

If you know of any shops where I can get a couple quality notebooks please leave them in the comment box or talk to me about some of your favorites on twitter. I'm always up for trying something new.

 * Check out my latest video: 5 Reasons to be excited about Cardcaptor Sakura's Reboot *

Until Next Time,
Stay Nerdy,

1 comment

  1. Thanks for the high quality and results-oriented content. You can also read our blog : customized notebooks


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