April Favorites

May 8, 2017

Hey, Gang!

 I can't believe that it's already May. 2017 is zooming by and the summer is right around the corner. If you've been reading Nerdette At Large for a while, you'll know that I love summer. It's my favorite season, but it is also a completely free 2 months from my Main source of income.
It allows me to catch up on sleep, create content in advance for Nerdette At Large, my youtube; Nerdette Minute, side hustles, hang out with friends and family, who have summers off from school. I will be off early this year, and it's about two weeks away and I'm literally biting at the bit to be free.

Here are a few of the things that I loved in the crazy busy month of April.

- First Cosplay of the Year. Every year, I take the time to attend C2E2, and even though this was my 3rd year, it was my very first year creating a cosplay. I decided to be the Alolan Vulpix, and I chose the ABSOLUTE worst day to wear the full costume including the gigantic fox/squirrel I created. I can compare it to being a hockey player for a day, and being body checked left and right. I had a blast being in costume though, I totally see why cosplayers make one every convention, and every day.

- Getting my 4th Tattoo. I talk about it quite a bit, but I have a list of tattoos that I would like to get done in my lifetime. I'm not saying that I want to be covered from head to toe, but there is definitely a decent amount I'd like to acquire. I went into Artis Inks, the day before Easter and got my much awaited Edgar Alan Poe tattoo. As a ginormous fan of Poes work, there are two things that I want in my life to represent him. This tattoo, and this plushie by Killing me softly.

- Discovering the Financial Diet. The Financial Diet is a Youtube Channel and A Blog by Chelsea and Lauren and they teach millennials and others about money. Proper ways to save money. How to create a side hustle. How to negotiate your salary for your new job. All the things I should have been learning in college, instead of having religious zealot teachers tell me that my sexuality and experiences as a bi black woman didn't matter. They are amazing!

- Adding to my Plushie and Figurine Collection. I got a Mimikyu Plushie (pokemon) at C2E2, an orange peep from Walmart, and a Sailor Uranus figurine from Barnes and Noble.

- Photographing my 1st Easter Shoot. If you've been reading the blog for a while, you'll know that my profession is a school day photographer and that I do photography (of all kinds) on the side, as Checkmate Photo. If you are interested, check out my portfolio. I had the wonderful opportunity to follow up Robin's Maternity Photos with an Easter shoot for Q. He's the cutest baby ever, and was crazy easy to work with. No fretting, no huffing, and no crying.

What did you do, see, accomplish this April? Let's Chat about it on Twitter!

Until Next Time, Stay Nerdy, ~Spokhette!~

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