Dear All!

I know that a lot of people who read my blog just come across it by accident. It just happened to connect to an article I wrote somewhere or you just really came across it out of the blue. But I wanted to let you know that I AM on
Bloglovin! I am unsure where Google will go after the death of the reader, but I know that until they come up with a decision I would like to use this particular platform in order to keep track of all of you guys and keep vested in ya lives! So help me by joining me on
Bloglovin. Since we're on the subject of subscribing, don't forget that you can Sponsor Vulcan Sugar and Spice as well! Halloween is coming up, a great way to get new readers for the fall season! Got a blog/podcast/webshow/youtube/shop that you wanna advertise? Let Me and Vulcan Sugar and Spice help spread the word!!! For more info, click the picture, or send me an email!!!
Look forward to hearing from you!
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