Aren't you guys excited? I'm totally not Dead! It's a good thing I'm writing today, it would have been an entire month tomorrow! Today, I'm going to talk about the Anime I have lined up to watch this summer. Since I have a lot more free time, and will soon have Internet access all of the time. I don't have it now in my apartment, and it makes blogging so much more difficult, because even though I have unlimited data on my phone, Sprint's reception sucks. So often, I can't connect. I'll be moving within the next couple of weeks, So I'll have connection soon enough! Then I'll be blogging so much you guys will be begging to get rid of me. Bwahahahahah! I've mentioned anime a few times on the blog, usually in a recap post about what I did that week. I've been trying to get Alex more into it, like his brothers, and have been introducing him to new stuff. Without, further a do, my list!

- Sailor Moon Crystal: (Started) Sailor Moon was my first anime, without it, I'm positive I would not be the person that I am today. So when I heard that Viz Media had bought the rights and were going to do a remake version that "more closely" mirrored the manga, I was beyond STOKED! What I'm not stoked about is that we had to wait for like 12 years (Still didn't get the starlight saga) and now that they've finally re-done it, I have to wait for new episodes to come out. (Im not the most patient anime watcher.) This opening has been on repeat all day!

- Brother's Conflict: (Started) I'm a huge hypocrite. I will talk your head off about why I won't watch anime like Dear S and Queens Blade, with their impossible proportions and their 1 man for 25 women mentality. But I will hop into my skivvies, with a giant box of ritz and a 12 pack of soda and watch the mess out of reverse harem animes! Ouran High School, and Now Brother's Conflict. I'm on episode 4 of 12, but out of all 13 step-brothers, I NEED her to be with Azusa. I NEED IT, IT FUELS me. This opening has been on repeat all day!

- Rin- Daughters of Mnemosyme: (Not started) I've tried to watch it a few times, before but couldn't get over the goriness of it. It's only 6 episodes for goodness sakes, and I'm gonna finish it, and stop being such a wimp. Plus the art is gorgeous.
- Kill La Kill: (Not Started) I really want to start this soon. SOO many people have been talking about it and telling me that its one of the best animes to come out in the longest time, and all this hype is making me anxious to start it, but I just haven't yet. So I've decided to add it to my list.
- Attack on Titan: (Not Started) Another really popular anime out right now. There are at least four people at work with Attack on Titan belts. (Why belts? Not sure) But they've been hounding me to start watching it because I'm one of the only people that work there that watches anime.
Are you guys watching any new anime I should know about? I'm always up for something new!!!
Stay Nerdy,
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