This title is special. Honest to Blog only occurs when something else occurs at the same time that makes me absolutely furious. This blog will cover two main topics. Blatant Racism + its deathly outcomes (Baseless Police shootings). These events make me ashamed to be an american. No, today america DOES NOT deserve to be capitalized. Disclaimer: I don't hate white people. I honestly don't. I enjoy them just like any culture should be able to enjoy another. They learn, they observe, and as long as you aren't being disrespectful, you participate. I have never been a fan of gun ownership. I've never been a fan of guns in general. I've always thought they were quite cowardly, Being able to take someone out from a distance, and if they didn't want you to know, you never would. Whatever happened to the days of handling violent differences with a sword battle? I wasn't alive, but I feel like I would have preferred this type of dueling. I'm not saying that guns should be taken away. I'm simply saying that they are weapons. If you need a class to conceal and carry, then you need a psych evaluation. I wonder how many people/police officers have had one of those before claiming their badge or new gun? I'm a firm believer in "it's the user" because it really is. Guns are just weapons. They need a human counterpart to pull the trigger. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. My issue is, if people are randomly running around killing other people, for nothing at all. Turning away, wearing a hood, not following ludicrous demands, then why are we STILL GIVING THEM GUNS?

The stuff going on in Ferguson is literally causing me to see red, and it irks me that we are only now being given the "police officers" name that shot him, and another thing, he shot a man, in cold blood, point blank range multiple times and then LEFT his body in the street for several hours! Why is he on paid administrative leave?!?! The ancient Greeks + Romans used to do that; leave bodies in the street or drag them around the town square when they wanted to embarrass and bring shame upon the family of whom the remains belonged too. Is that what Officer Wilson was going for? One of the really big things people are "going" for now, is that we (black community) deserve this as punishment for black on Black crime...Even if that was the case, how DOES THIS APPLY? This is not black on Black crime, this is a white police officer shooting a black man at point blank range for no reason at all. Just because as a community, as a people were "aren't together as one" does not give white police officers the right to around shooting dead unarmed innocent civilians. It does not make it O.K. to eradicate us. They have no issue with white on white crime, I see no police officers shooting white civilians down and leaving them in the street for hours, We are not the only group of people that do bad things. However, we ARE the only group of people being shot dead in the street like animals, or being left for dead on the side of the road, and that my friends is BLATANT RACISM.

Even if that police officer felt that he was in the right and that he didn't do anything wrong, Why is there so much cover up and turmoil in Ferguson? Why are reporters and Alderman's being arrested for nothing (unlawful assembly my ass!) Why is tear gas being used on innocent civilians, and just being strewn carelessly down streets and alleys? If he felt he hadn't done wrong, and that he was in the clear, why was he in hiding? Why was the Ferguson Police Department, keeping him a secret, away on PAID administrative leave?? People who say Racism is dead, really need to wake up and smell the fucking coffee. It's not dead, it never left, it just crept into our books, our television, our news. It just got smarter, sneakier, shadier, hiding in our job applications, our housing applications, our school textbooks. CNN, Which used to host actual news, has just become a better paid Fox. Had the audacity to hold a debate over which word was worse: The N-word or "Cracker"? HOW ABOUT THE ONE YOU CAN"T FUCKING POST ON THE AIR?!?!?!?!?! Why is that even news, why did someone spend time putting it on the air? Because again it just shows that news, is just a racist podium.
I'm unsure what to do about this situation. I'm so excited that I've found my soulmate, and it makes me feel even better that he's not a racist hick. You should see the way people look at us when we're out. Like I'm a dog that he's walking, it makes me so sick. It really destroys my faith in humanity, it's definitely why I've been a homebody lately, I just meet so many people who feel like they can just talk to me and others any kind of way and they can't! I was taught to treat evil with kindness, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. People don't really work like that anymore. Honestly, I'm not too sure how to handle it. So I write about it, and I bring awareness, and I move on, because that's all a person can really do. If enough of us do it, we can bring about change.
Now that that's off my chest,
I will get back to regular programming.
Stay Nerdy + Positive,