Hi Gang!

It's been a while since I've done this, especially since I really haven't put up finished products of anything in over a year. However, that is all about to change!! With
Instagram being such a fiber of inspiration (See what I did there?) my knitting imagination has been in Overdrive. If you are following me on
there, then you probably have seen these photos and such, but not a lot of people are following me there, so I thought I would post it here as well for everyone to see!
My work bag (As I call it.) is essentially an oversized makeup bag.. It fits four balls of yarn comfortably, a pair of scissors and a smaller makeup pouch, that holds all of my needles. I picked up both bags from Hot Topic. I use both Crochet Needles and Knitting needles for various projects. I prefer to work with Circular needles, just so I don't have to worry about not enough space, or dropped stitches, they just work so well for me. Plus they are a lot easier to take with you, then straight needles.

The balls of yarn shown, bought from Knitwits in Crescent Springs; 2 balls of lilac frost and pumpkin are going to be used for my mid-riff sweater project ( I think, I am still unsure about the color selections, maybe I'll use the new blue-ish yarns I got for Christmas. Decisions, Decisions.) This will be a free form pattern, but I have a lot of free forms that seem to have worked really well, and I'm thinking about maybe selling patterns in my shop, but that is way way in the future. Would you guys be interested in purchasing my patterns? One pattern shop I like in particular would be the
Hello Happy shop, Lisa's designs are always so freaking cute~ I practically died when I saw her Kawaii Bunny hood/ cowl pattern.
One of the reasons I like this bag so much is it is so portable. It comes with it's own strap. So, just like my gaming case, I can just toss it in my purse and go OR, just take it as it without it taking up so much space. I used to carry a huge Hello Kitty Tote bag, and Yarn was getting caught on pens and books and other things, because it was an all in one bag, and it used to drive me crazy! This way is just so much cleaner and convenient.
Until Next Time,
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