Hey Gang!

I know I'm a couple days late, but since that amazing google game took up all my time Sunday, I figured I'd just wrap up this post and give it to you today, and give you all the Halloween for another week. Who doesn't love more Halloween right? I honestly think Halloween should last all of October. I wasn't able to do all the things I normally do for this amazing holiday, because of my real job, I'm definitely getting better at time management though. This time last season, I was only writing one to two posts a week! But not only have I managed to keep up all three posts this season, but I even managed to implement a new feature! So kudo's to me.
When October was coming closer, I was determined to be the Riddler, but Hot Topic sold out of the jacket before I could go snatch one up. Plus, I had been working a lot so it had slipped my mind, until it literally was the week of Halloween. UGH! So I did some simple costumes for work, a cat, and a pumpkin princess, but of course I waited until the day of, to finally come up with my costume! I was going to be Eevee!

So off I went to the Mall, in hopes of finding a red brown dress that I could use for an eeveeloution body. Because I had quite a few wigs, and I wasn't sure which Eeveeloution I wanted to be of course. I was stuck between Jolteon, Eevee and Umbreon. When I walked into Rue21 and saw the burnt amber skater dress on the clearance rack, I knew it was for me. It was my size (which like, never happens and it was on sale) I took it up to the counter, and Wa-Bam! It was half off the clearance price. So I walked into the mall, bought one dress, for less than ten dollars, and because I couldn't believe my luck, I hightailed it out of there before something else crazy happened.

Last year, I made two pairs of ears out of felt, for the first time, and I had so much fun! So I knew I had to do it again in order to make Eevee's tail and Ears. This was the first time I'd ever made a tail, so it definitely needed some work, but over all it worked. Not only was my costume handmade, but I also had to handstitch it, my sewing machine chose the perfect time to not preform its primary function. I'm even thinking about putting out a D.I.Y. on the ears and tails a little later on. If you guys would be interested in that. Just leave a comment down below.
Originally, I was going to use a white scarf to be like her collar fur, but it was way way too hot for that, so I decided to add some white to the makeup for my costume to bring it all together.
I bought Felt from Michaels, and the costume was born! I used Sable from the Lorac Pro Palette for the line across my nose, and Luminance from an Ulta Prismacolor palette. My eyeliner is Maybelline Felt tip in black. I got my wig from Amazon. I got all dressed up and went to Penn Station got delicious fries, and then we were off to Alex's parents to give out candy to trick or treaters, but there weren't any! All of the families were up on the high street instead of the culdasac where there homes were located, so I only gave candy to like 3 kids. We hightailed it back to our house so I could give out candy there, but I guess the kids had already packed it up. Dunno, when I was younger, I walked around the whole neighborhood twice. Kids now a day, they want everything at their fingertips I guess.
How did you spend your halloween? I hope it was a great one! Lets compare costumes on
Until Next Time,
Stay Nerdy,
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