I've been working full time Mon-Friday for the last month and it's really been cutting into my blogging interwebs time. The only time I really have time to myself or relaxation time is on the weekends when I am not working. I usually spend the time jotting ideas down in my notebook, spending time with my cats, and boyfriend having netflix marathons and maybe knitting a little here and there. Even Alex has picked up the craft, he's still a newbie, but he's getting the hang of it, he's already gone through an entire ball of Bernat Mega Bulky. He's so adorable when he knits too, his brow gets all furrowed and he's super focused.

I hung out with my college gal pals the other day.
Claire and
Emily, We grabbed lunch at TGIF, then we stopped by a local yarn shop that Claire knew and I bought copious copious amounts of yarn, and a new pair of needles, and when I got home for the first time ever, I wound them up in little knitting-ready balls (they'll have their own post) and I am itching to freeform my own version of this midriff sweater. Then We stopped by a comic book shop, and I picked up Gotham Academy 1-3, which I like, I'm hoping that all the straws that they're grasping will come together in a cool story pretty soon, and I like the art. I also picked up Secret Six, but I was very unhappy with the art, it just doesn't look like it is finished, It looks like it's straight from his sketchbook with color added, it was just really hard for me to follow and it actually made my head hurt. I also picked up She-hulk 1-7, just because it was talked about so much. I actually started reading all the X-men I own, and realized that I wanna be M, when I grow up.
Alex and I got a lot of house things down today. We got outside Christmas decorations, 4 alternating candy canes that I put up in the front yard. Then we got a white tree, I am SO excited to show it to you guys! It already comes with garland, and we're gonna add lights and a star, and then we're gonna wrap garland around the trellis in our front yard. We even got all the laundry done and hung up which freed up the tables we were using, and personally, I can't wait until we get the boxes we don't need moved to the cellar, so I can set up my desk with my laptop, and my sewing gear. The second room is supposed to be a studio/office that both Alex and I share. I have the right side and he's got the left, and I have all of these ideas floating around in my head for my side, I'm thinking full creative space, like mood board, magazine cut outs, the whole nine yards.
Just thought I'd catch you guys up on the goings on...
Until Next Time,
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