Music Video of the moment: Ashanti- Good Good. This has been my favorite video since It came out!! I'm not a big fan of Ashanti, But I really like this song, and the 50's inspired outfits and theme are too adorable to pass up. Her adorable two piece bow outfit is to die for, and I am working on drawing up a tutorial for her makeup during the present scene. Look for that soon Okie Dokie??

I'm still working on Shawn's Baby Blanket. I still Have Chloe's Scarf, and I've only just chosen my halloween costume. I've decided to be Amber from Sucker punch.
In business news, I've been to sick to get to the township center to turn in my form for the show. So I am going to try and turn it in later on today. But in the mean time, i have been working on stuff for the show...
That's pretty much all I have to share with you guys. I promise to get back to regular scheduling once I start feeling better.
Mistress Spokhette Out
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