I am so angry right now, with people. People in general, who don't see that there is an issue, with calling a 9 year old girl out of her name. She is 9 years old, She is a child, she deserves love, affection and respect. The onion, a "satirical" website, decided to tweet about Quevenzhane, on Oscar night.
"Everyone else seems afraid to say it, but that Quvenzhané Wallis is kind of a c--t, right? #Oscars2013."
How is that funny? How is taking a 9 year old girl. who is experiencing something for the first time, obviously something that she enjoys doing, why would you take that away from her? I scoured the net, looking for people who were just as outraged as I. The comments I found only fueled my fire. A big part of this, is just the fact that people are cruel.
She's a nine year old African American Little Girl, She did an amazing job in a movie, she's in a pretty dress on television, and there isn't anything wrong with her, lets ruin that for her. Honestly, What is your thought process? How in the world do you think its ok, to write that about her?
A big part of the comments are half and half. Half are saying, oh its a total joke, people need to calm down, and the other half, Which it pains me to write, a lot of them are extremely racist. "They used the wrong word? They should have replaced it with "n-g--r"? ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?
People are so QUICK to say its 2013! Racism doesn't exist anymore. BullSHIT!
I wonder if anyone noticed all the negative attention surrounding the character in Hunger Games? If not please feel free to revert to this article, which couldn't word it any better.http://jezebel.com/5896408/racist-hunger-games-fans-dont-care-how-much-money-the-movie-made
Things need to change, and they need to change now. Who ever wrote the tweet, should apologize, not just delete the tweet. If you put it on the internet, and then delete it, it doesn't go anyway. It doesn't just disappear, you defamed a child, and you should pay.
All the people who don't think its a "big deal" should sit down in a dark room by themselves and think about how horrible a person they are.
To all the people who "defend" the comment, by saying, the girl needs to be taken down a few pegs, she was too confident? She's NINE years old, and Had enough confidence to do what she did, DO NOT TAKE THAT AWAY FROM HER. You go anywhere, and hear people talk about any girl who isn't of "color" and its all about giving girls the confidence they need to succeed, helping girls with body issues, helping girls know their worth, and NOW because a Girl of COLOR knows her worth, and has SELF-CONFIDENCE, Suddenly its an issue? Suddenly because The Black girl knows that she deserves better than what people have been feeding "us" for YEARS, she needs to be knocked back into her place?
How dare you? How do those people leave with themselves? I'm going to finish this, otherwise, I'll be writing for years, but I have this to say.
Whoever wrote that tweet should be punished. If you don't see this as being a racist issue, not only are you an idiot you are fucking blind. Because not only have you missed, that we are here to stay, but you have missed the fact, that We are strong, and resillient, you did not give us any liberties, and you damn sure don't deserve the power to take them away. We will rise and we will be respected, and if you can't get with that program then get out of the damn way, because we're moving forward, and anything in our way will be promptly removed.
Good Day,
Gabriella E. M. Ballard
PLEASE! Join me in Boycotting that pathetic excuse of a satire website.
Honest To Blog: Quvenzhané Wallis
February 25, 2013 • personal
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