Hey Gang!

Back to our regular scheduled programming. My vacation was really nice guys, and I can't wait to show you a comprehensive blog/vlog post about it all, but first, I've been sewing. I'm not proclaiming anything other than, I plugged in my sewing machine and it started working, properly, for the first time since I've bought it. While, I was hanging out with Alex's family, I discovered a new video from
Pink Chocolate Break, who showed us how to use a dress you already owned, as a pattern to make your own. If you guys aren't already following her on youtube, go check it out because she is dropping some serious knowledge.

Now although, her videos are awesome, she is a lot smaller than me, and I had to get a lot more material to attempt it. But oh my goodness, you guys! It was so clean and clear cut, and I didn't give up and cry out in frustration! I actually finished a dress. I sewed a piece of clothing that I can actually wear outside and I feel good about it! I got some stretchy orange plaid fabric from one of my many trips to Jo-Ann Fabrics, and got to work, it took me about two and a half hours to finish the dress. Reasons it took so long. 1.) Super new at this (had to read the manual) 2.) Had trouble shooing off cats, so I could cut out the fabric pieces on the floor. 3.) It was 3 a.m. when I was hit with the determination to actually complete the project.
Have you guys caught the sewing bug? What kind of projects are ya working on? Spill on twitter!
Stay Nerdy,
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