Hey Gang!

Lately, I've been on a "getting Healthy" kick. I put it in quotations, because although I have been (trying) to watch my portion sizing and exercising (biking + hooping) I haven't really changed my eating habits. I'm just very very stuck in my ways, and I really like food, but at least I've been trying! Alex and I took our bikes up to Pioneer Park and went around their track twice. It's just a really nice way to exercise/relax because it's time I get to share with him without anyone else around and I really cherish it. I'm wearing another Marvel tanktop that I picked up with the rest of my new shirts. This one has lace inserts near the arms. I paired it with pink "cheer" shorts from No Boundaries, that I got for a steal from Walmart. I paired them with pink shoes that are so old I can't actually remember when or where I bought them. They are super comfortable and perfect to go biking in.

Out and about Alex and I caught the last couple of minutes of the fireworks of the all-star game, and we followed them all the way to the river's Edge. They were so pretty and I couldn't help but take a few photos! It felt so good to get my camera back from the shop! It was gone for so long and I was so anxious the whole time it was away from me! I'm always telling Alex that we need to get out more and that we should be humans and not crabs. I was glad we got the opportunity to get out and get some great shots!
Do you guys have any nerdy tops, what are some of your favorites? Tell on Twitter: #nerdetteatlarge
Stay Nerdy,
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