On Our journey We discovered many ridiculous things, that had us laughing all day long.
- No one prices their cars, and the one's that do are WAY out of my price range.
- Carl's Fine Cars, can't exactly decide whether they sell barns or cars.
- We went on a ghost hunt for Trollbeads, which is like a brand, haha not an actual place. We walked all the way around Jungle Jim's.
- This Beautiful Sunset I saw, on the way home.
For the record, I don't car that I didn't purchase a car, and I don't care that it might be a bit of an issue working to get one, but I got to spend a whole day with my father, who I don't get to see often, because we work all the time, and we argue like cats and dogs, because we're so much alike.
Thanks for reading,
Mistress Out,
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