Attention: The Blog Shoppe is OPEN!

May 26, 2015

Hi Gang!
 I just popped in to tell you awesome people that there are some things for sale in my shop. I am trying to declutter this summer and make some extra money to put towards the blog which is awesome for you! I wanted to bring attention to the fact that the shop is open and running, people were emailing me off and on wondering when it would be back up! IT IS!
 Inside the shop you can find:

- Video Games: The games range from Playstation 3 to DS and 3DS. They are games, I have completed, or games that I am finished with, and they deserve a good home, why not with you?!

- Board Games: A year ago, I attempted to try something different and bought two table top games, these games are in Mint Condition, and all pieces are there, some of the pieces are still in wrapping. These table top games just didn't capture my attention the way that video games do and alas, there is no room for them in studio.

- Yarn: I'm actually finishing up tons of projects that were in the middle or just plain left behind and that is leaving me with a lot of yarn I am not using, I plan on destashing very soon, and you will find all the yarn at the shop. All yarn will be sold with original packaging or label. There isn't any partial skeins of yarn in the shop. I will keep those and use them for projects. I just wanted to let you guys know that the yarn in my shop is not used at all. Honesty is the best policy right?

- Comic Books: With my huge re-emergence into Comics, I wound up buying some duplicates, and starting stories that I'm no longer interested in, and therefore I need to start making room in my long box, for the awesome stuff coming in June (Black Canary Hello!) I already sold Ms. Marvel, they're going faster than I expected, and I wanted to make sure that my Glorious readers at least got the opportunity to grab what they wanted first!!

You can find all the awesome mentioned above here at my shop! All transactions are through Paypal, and everything is shipped with a tracking number!

Hope to see you guys soon,

Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,


 Twitter // Instagram // The Noire Menagerie

5 Fandom Monday: 5 nerdiest things I've ever Done...

May 25, 2015

Hi Gang!
  I've been a part of the FGB community on Google for a while, but I never got around to participating in the 5 Fandom Friday Posts, because I usually only write two posts per week, and very rarely do they fall on Friday. I really want to start participating because the topics are epic, and so, I have decided that I will do them on Monday, only a couple days late, but that way it fits with my schedule, and you lovely readers won't be soo confused!

1. My Professor Layton Tattoo: It is still (to date) the only tattoo I have. I am a huge Professor Layton fan. I own every game, the movie, and all the soundtracks. THere is just something awesome about an archeology professor traveling the world with an "adopted" child/protogee teeming with chivalry and respect and solving mysteries. If I was a cartoon/video game character, that is definitely how I'd like to spend my time.

2. A "split-decision" trip to Motor City Comic Con: MCCC was held in Novi, Michigan, (8 hours straight) other than the trip for Alex's Family Re-union in Washington State, it was the farthest I've ever driven. An old girlfriend and I were in the comic book shop and as we in the check out lane, I happened to glance to my side and saw one of their cards lying there. I was ready to go as soon as I saw Walter Kroenig, but she wasn't convinced until she saw Norman Reedus. We literally went home with comics, packed our bags, worked two more days and then shuffled into my car and hit the open road. Since, we were going to be there only Saturday, I wasn't concerned with Pre-ordering tickets, even though, I'd always made sure to do so in the past. Once we got into that ticket purchase line, it was over, I ordered the tickets while standing in line and then we went to go pick them up. The Full post can be found here.

3. DDR Club: When I was in high School, I was an activities coordinator for my local library. I decided that we should have a Dance Dance Revolution Club that would meet every Monday. I loved that game soo much, I had almost everyone for the PS2 and I used it every morning to work out. I think this is definitely the most nerdy thing I'd ever done, and it only had three members not including myself, they were all guys and it didn't really last that long. I think we made it two weeks.

4. Superhero inspired hats: When I was starting College, (surprisingly) I had a lot of free time, and I used it to crochet. When I met Claire, she taught me how to Knit, and that took over. But I loved crocheting hats. I made a bubblegum pink aviator hat, and the attraction was lit. I was making hats for everyone that wanted one. I was a hat making machine. It got to the point that I wanted to start making nerdy-related ones. I made a Hulk, Booster Gold and Pikachu. They just went to family members, I was going to sell them but Etsy seemed to be teeming with Crocheted hats, and I couldn't see room for me.

5. Finishing Magical Drop 3 in Arcade Legacy: There is this awesome one stop shop arcade in town called Arcade Legacy. They have a game in the back corner that I literally just happened upon, and I was so addicted. The first time I played it, I was with my cousin and little sister and we were probably there for four hours, and I just kept playing this game, I was so engrossed in it, that when my sister was tapping me on the shoulder, people were leaving by the droves, the store was closing, and here I was still trying to beat Story Mode. When I left that night, I had six levels left. I continued to come back and attempt to beat it, it was the only game I played. When I finally completed it, two weeks later, I had a whole photoshoot, with the credits rolling, every time I pass the arcade I stop in for a few rounds of the game, and have faithfully been looking for an emulator/mobile version ever since.

For others that are late like me, what are some of your favorite nerdy past activities? We can talk about it on twitter.

 Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,

 Twitter // Instagram // The Noire Menagerie

Whose Nominated? This GAL!

May 22, 2015

Hi Gang!
 I'm so excited you guys! Gladys over at Usagi In Wonderland nominated me for a Liebster award! I am too hype! Normally, I only post twice a week, but I couldn't let this simmer over the four day weekend, I had to get my thoughts and excitement out NOW! My Answers, My Nominations and My Questions!

1. If you got the chance to hang out with one character (movie, book, tv show, comic, etc) who would it be and why?

 - This question is so freaking hard for me, I spend so much time pretending that I am hanging out with a fictional character, that choosing one is freaking difficult! I can only choose one and that would be Frankie Charles
from Tarr/Stewart Batgirl. First Character of Color I've seen in D.C. Comics in a while, that isn't just a toss away, and she seems hella chill, we could chill on the couch watching movies and laughing at things we've read on twitter. 

2. Favorite amusement park snack?

- French Fries! Potatoes are my go to food. Period, Amusement park or no amusement park, If I want a snack, it is potatoes of some kind. 

3. What book are you currently reading/just finished and should I read it?

- I finished The Profiler by Chris Taylor, was the last book I read, it's a mystery/thriller it was pretty decent. 

4. Besides Jurassic World and Star Wars, what movie are you excited for this year?

- I'm actually excited for neither. I'm really over reboots/remakes/rehashes. I'm looking forward to Dope, Detective Byomkesh Bakshy, Mr. Holmes, Paper Towns, and Victor Frankenstein.

5. What is your favorite quote?

- To Each their Own Kero, One must live their lives as they have no regrets- Tomoyo from Cardcaptors

6. What would be the opening song for the soundtrack of your life?

7. What 3 wishes would you ask for if you found the lamp?

- That I could fix any piece of technology with ease. I'm so tired of breaking/repelling technology. 

- That my Family and friends also live comfortably, so we can spend the time we would have been working together. 

- That I could live forever, and Only age once every twenty-five years. 

8. If you watch them, what's your favorite horror film?

- It's a tie between Halloween (original), Friday the 13th (original) and Fright Night (original).

9. Which is the most used app on your phone?

- Would have to be Twitter, I eat breathe and live it, I've had it longer than any other S.M.* and I am on it every day. My morning Newspaper, my News outlet and where awesome nerdy gals reside. It's perfect. 

10. Non Marvel/DC comic that you are currently reading?

- Capture Creatures, published by Kaboom Comics (Bravest Warriors/Adventure TIme/Bee and Puppycat) Has characters of color that aren't male and the comedy is up to par. Close to pokemon, but no battling as of yet (Only on issue #3)

11. What's something fun that is coming up for you?

- Looking forward to the responses to these kick ass questions, I just spent two and a half hours creating!

I nominated the following Kick Ass Ladies:

Jamila from Girl Gone Geek

Mia from XOMia

Stewie from Darling Stewie

Glady from Usagi In Wonderland

Heather from The Nerdy Fox

Here are my eleven questions (This post is becoming really long):

1. If you could take the helm of any hero (same powers, same universe) Who would you choose and why?

2. What is one video game, you have no issues playing over and over again?

3. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you choose and why?

4. If you could only eat one food what would it be and why?

5. If you were going to have a Girl Gang, who would be your fictional backup?

6. Who would be your fictional Villain? (Can Cross Universes ex. Marvel + DC)

7. If you could meet any creator (Artist, poet, writer, producer etc) alive or dead, who would you choose and what would you say?

8. Choose one character you love D.C./Marvel/Image/Dark Horse, who doesn't get enough love.

9. If you were stuck living in a fictional universe, which would you want and why?

10. If money was of no consequence, what would be a cosplay, that you would just HAVE to do?

11. If you could have a fictional characters closet/wardrobe who would you choose?

  I honestly can't wait to read the responses ladies, so get on it! If you are reading and aren't one of these lovely ladies, I'd still like to hear your responses, leave 'em in the comments or on the twitter!

Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,

 Twitter // Instagram // The Noire Menagerie

April Favorites

May 21, 2015

Hi Gang!
 I know that this post is super late, but I was having trouble figuring out cool things that I discovered in April, and not just the beginning of May. Once, I compartmentalized the two, the rest came very easily! Both Shows can be found on Netflix, if you'd be interested in watching them as well.

- Pokemon Shuffle: A downloadable game for Nintendo DS's, I'm so addicted, it's been all over my Snapchat and Instagram. I have an alarm that goes off when I have another heart. It's the closest thing I have to the original Puzzle Challenge, which is one of my favorite games of all time, I haven't gotten rid of my GBA just so I can keep playing that game.

- The Crazy Ones: A short-lived comedy. It has Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Gellar in it, it's pretty funny, I laugh at something every episode so its definitely doing a good job in the comedy department.

- Feral Creature: I have been devouring Eugenie's Blog posts! I just love her looks and styling. I have so much wonderlust because of her and ClothesEncounters!

- Pink Samurai's Al Lewis: An Art blog that I just came across, put up a cat doodle of Al Lewis ( The Grandfather in The Munsters, one of my favorite black and white TV shows, I just had to share!

- A Different World: A spin off of the Cosby show, it follows Denise through her years at the prestigious Hillman College. The characters are hilarious, and there are lessons taught that still have value. Plus, Dwayne is hilarious, the poor guy only wants one date. Cut him some slack.

What are some of the cool things you liked this month? Keep the conversation flowing on Twitter!

 Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,

 Twitter // Instagram // The Noire Menagerie

Nerdette Lately....

May 19, 2015

Hi Gang!
 I'm getting a late start to this week, but I have been so busy you guys! I interviewed two gamer ladies, and am in the middle of putting together a third interview with another lovely Nerdy Shop owner. I discovered this thrift shop w/ furniture and I swear its my favorite place to be now! I bought a leaf table, it comes with two so it can sit up to 12 PEOPLE! Then, I got the most adorable antique chairs with a harp on the back of them, and a small antique yellow night stand, to go next to our brand new bed, the Watchtower, is under massive upheaval/ re-organization.
 I sold my Ms. Marvel #1 from the shop over the weekend! So geeked, I'm going to start putting up more and more stuff, so make sure you go and visit so you don't miss out! Over the weekend, I bought Jet Set Radio, The Sly Collection, Hercules, Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Adventure from the Playstation Store. I am so stoked about having these oldies but goodies on my PS3's hard drive! I spent the entire weekend finishing Sly Cooper #1, I had it for the Playstation 2, but never got further than a level or two in Mz. Ruby's Lair. I was very proud of myself. I finished it, with
minimum raging, and absolutely no research! I got about as far as the introduction of Cube and Combo in Jet Set Radio before Ragequitting, I haven't picked it up since, I'll probably do some more during this week when I'm off, or this weekend,
since I have a 4 Day WEEKEND!
 I scored a complete Mame Emulator, and Thousands of Roms for it, so I'll start doing some retro gaming and writing about that too. Technically, I am a retro gamer, since it's very rare for me to buy a game as soon as it comes out, ya know my wallet just won't let me, that's besides the point. There's a version of Magical Drop on there, that I'm literally itching to play, I'm being an adult though, and making sure all of my blogwork is done before hand (see what I did there?)

What have you guys been up too?! I want to interact more with you guys, so comment, or hit me up on twitter!

 Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,


Nerd Out: From Zombies With Love

May 14, 2015

Hi Gang!
 I wasn't completely slacking that week I was sick. I was able to secure an interview with the genius designer of From Zombies With Love, an adorable indie shop, that makes the world's most squishiest Plushies. Without Further ado, I let Sasha introduce herself!

- Tell us a little bit about yourself and your shop.
My name is Sasha, a 25 year old living in Orange County, California. I am the creator and owner of From Zombies With Love, the outlet for all my creative energy-- I make all sorts of items ranging from plushies to pins to accessories. I've only recently rededicated myself to managing an online shop, which is something incredibly rewarding and challenging, working a full-time job and managing to have some semblance of a social life!

- Where do you get the inspiration for your creatures?

Truthfully, inspiration comes from everywhere, and at random. My brain is always on, even in dreams, which is where the idea for my batties came from. More recently, the ideas for my Klawnarok creatures came to me when I was bored and doodling on post-its at work. I'm also pretty big into the idea and art of mixing things deemed 'creepy' or 'odd' with cutesy/kawaiiness. I've been very inspired by the art of Junko Mizuno, my favorite artist. 

- Are you a self-taught seamstress/Plushmaker?

Absolutely! I didn't have the good fortune to know someone who could sew, so I taught myself when I was about 17 or so, because I really wanted to try cosplaying. From there, I began trying to figure out how to make plushies, mainly to use as props for my costumes. I eyeballed things a lot, and just did things the way I thought they should be done, occasionally turning to tutorials or youtube for help. Even up until now, I rely a lot on trial and error, which I honestly think is a good way to learn.

- For future plush makers, what would you tell them?

For all my future plush making peers, the best piece of advice I can give is to always push yourself and not give up, as cliche as that may sound. Creating alone, let alone plushies, is no easy task. There will be just as much frustration as there will be feelings of accomplishment. Don't say something can't be done, but instead ask yourself HOW is can be done. 

- If you could create a plushie of any character, without consequence, who/what would it be and why?
Oh man, I would make so many if I had enough time/energy/material. I really love Pokemon (and always will!), and I would love to make a giant Gyarados just because of the sheer size and detail of it. I'd also love to make all of the Minutemen from Watchmen, as that's my favorite graphic novel.

- What is your design process for your plushies?

The design process is a fairly basic one-- once I have the idea set, I'll draw out a pattern for all the major pieces. From there, I'll cut and sew them all out and play around with the detailing, such as expression (or in the case of my voodoo dolls, the stitching, rips, and tears). If I'm unhappy with a certain aspect, such as its limbs, I'll scrap them and start again. 

- If there was one thing you would like your customers/followers to know about you and your business what would it be and why?

From Zombies With Love is my pride and joy-- it's definitely been of roller coaster of ups and downs over the years, and there was a point where I honestly thought I'd never make anything again, but I am super appreciative of the support and love that I've received for my works and on a personal level. My greatest joy is seeing that someone is happy with what I've made. I believe that my purpose in this life is to bring joy to others, and my way of doing it is with what I am able to make.

- What are some of the things you Nerd Out about? 
I nerd out about so many things, it's borderline ridiculous! Just to name a few, comic books (particularly Marvel, Dark Horse, and Image), anything zombie related, video games, Pop! vinyl figures, plushies, and of course, any handmade goodies! I always love to look at my Instagram feed and check out the amazing hand crafted items and art my peers make.

 Isn't she just darling?! Make sure you guys check out her Instagram + her Shop!

 Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,


 Twitter // Instagram // The Noire Menagerie

Comics Roundup #6: Free Comic Book Day Haul!

May 12, 2015

Hi Gang!
 It feels so good to be back you guys!! That cold put me out of commission for an entire week, but I refuse for it to get another one out of me! I'm finally getting around to writing about Free Comic Book Day, I got a pretty decent haul out of it, so I thought I'd explore it on the blog.
 I visited Queen City Comics and was able to get two of the free comics offered. The All-New, Different Avengers and Pokemon. Since it was the first time, I'd been in a comic shop for the past half a year or so, I decided that I would seize the opportunity to grab up some comics I had been hearing so much about.
 I picked up Gotham Academy 4,5,6 and the Annual. Batgirl #35-39 (I picked up 40 at C2E2). Storm #1. Spider-Gwen 1-3, Capture Creatures 3 and Scooby-doo Team up 2. So far, I've read all of Batgirl, I hate that I have to wait until June for #41, but I guess it isn't so bad, since I can pick up #1 of Black Canary at the same time.
 I realized I wasn't as big a fan of Spider-Gwen, as I thought I was. The art is kind of all over the place, and I wasn't very impressed with the story line. So I have decided to put issues One through Three in the Shop. I was really depressed that my local comic shop was out of Silk #1, It was probably the  one I was looking forward to the most, since they didn't have one, I decided to not pick it up.
 Wish I had ignored the responsible voice in my head and the ten issues of Storm like I wanted, I finished the first one, fell in love and now I want MORE! I accidentally picked up issue three of Capture Creatures instead of Issue two, so now I can't read it until I get the one that came before it. The only other comic I haven't read yet, would be the Team Up of Scooby-Doo.

What did you guys pick up on Free Comic Book Day?! Tell me on Twitter!

Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,

Overview: Pokemon Shuffle (3DS)

May 8, 2015

Hi Gang!
 A couple of weeks ago, I decided to completely restart my Pokemon X game. Everyone had played it but me, and I honestly didn't know where I was in the game, I had hundreds of Pokemon, and 7 badges but I felt lost, So I traded the pokemon I wanted to keep to Alex, and I pressed the ridiculous series of buttons to erase the previous game. After that, I updated, like the good little gamer I am and was rewarded with a gift, a free copy of Pokemon Shuffle on my 3DSXL's harddrive!
  I've had the game for about three days, and I'm already on lv. 28, four expert levels, and I've caught 24 out of the 28 pokemon I've come across! I only have two complaints with this game.

1. The time limit: The game levels aren't timed, unless you are playing expert. My issue is that in order to play any level, you have to give up a heart. every half n Hour, you are rewarded 1 heart. If you don't play for a while, and come back to it, you will have a total of five hearts. You can buy more hearts with jewels, but they are so far and few in between, they are hard to find unless you go to the Nintendo E-shop, and buy them with (REAL) money! I am not a patient
woman. I find that I am constantly waiting so I can play one more level. I am not patient enough to play this game without raging, everytime I am ready for a round two and realize I have to wait another half an hour to gather another heart. I feel like this game is parents answers, when they tell their children to go play outside. They'll play for the 30 minutes they have to gain another heart. Well done nintendo. Well Done.

2. The Catchability mechanism: Every level has a pokemon attached. The more effective the 4 sometimes 3 pokemon in your party are againt the wild one you're battling with makes it easier to defeat them. The faster they are defeated, the more moves you have left over. The moves are translated into pokeballs, that raise the catchability of a single pokemon, meaning the higher the catchability is, the easier it should be to catch the wild pokemon. Unfortunately, that doesn't always work out. In fact, I have an easier time catching pokemon with a lower catchability then a higher one. Plus, you only get one try per turn, which if you try again takes up another heart, and thus, you are still stuck waiting 30 minutes to continue your game.

 Overall, as a puzzle gamer. I thoroughly enjoy this game. It is on my hard drive so I don't have to worry about data corruption/ or fortgetting to save or anything of the sort. It saves automatically by itself, if you keep your DS connected to Wifi, like I do, you can check-in, and be rewarded with coins that go towards cool things like adding moves to the set you get at the beginning of your level. Checking in also allows you to keep up with the cool stuff the game can do, like add new special levels, or Meowth's PayDay level, which if you match enough coins, you can get extra on top of whatever you get for completing the level. It allows you to play a competent puzzle game with newer generation pokemon, and allows you to keep up with your "adult-life" responsibilities.

 If you have a Nintendo ID it is Free for you as well, just stop into the E-shop, log in, and revel in the awesomeness. Also, don't forget to add my friend code if you want to play with me! I'm always looking for new people to play with! I'm also working on Pokemon X from the beginning as well, So I'm up for any newbies that wanna battle!

 Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,


 The Noire Menagerie

Sick Letter to My awesome Gang!

May 6, 2015

Hi Gang!

Alex has gotten me sick, and its so bad, that I can barely comprehend the comics that I am trying to read. It has slowed me down tremendously, I am apologizing in advance for any lack of posting, lack of Social Media presence and lack of Online gaming.

I have a post queued up for Friday, and It will go live. I haven't even been able to write about my comics haul for Free Comic Book Day, I saw Age of Ultron on Thursday/Sunday and it still didn't get written until Monday Night, and it didn't go live until Tuesday! This Cold is kicking my kiester!

I sincerely, adore you guys and I just wanted to let you know that hopefully, this cold will be gone by Monday, and Nerdette At Large will return to her nerdy regular scheduled programming.

Thanks for sticking with me,
Stay Nerdy Fam,

~ Gabriella! ~

Cinema #7: Avengers Age Of Ultron (SPOILERS!!!!!!)

May 5, 2015

Hi Gang!
 This weekend seemed to BE the weekend for Nerds! Thursday/Friday Release of Age of Ultron and then to be followed by #freecomicbookday! I was so active this weekend, I am just plum tuckered out! But I saw Avengers twice premiere night and then Sunday, and we had to do a later one, because the one we wanted was actually sold out!I have enough awareness to write about it! So without further ado, heres what I did and didn't like about the film. In case you missed the title, there are SPOILERS! Please be aware, if you haven't seen it yet.

- I'm a little confused about how Stucker came into command of the staff in the first place? I'm just assuming that it was smuggled out in the destruction of Shield/ Hydra in Winter Soldier.

- I am a huge fan of Thor's flying in this film. As a comic book reader, I love seeing him twirl it before it tosses him into the air. *geek alert*

- I absolutely love Black Widow's New suit!!!! I think it looks way better than her first/original suit and I love that it comes with electromagnetic Baton sticks!

- I felt like there was much more comedy this time, the first one was funny, but AOU was almost teeming with hilarity.

- I felt like it was really stupid for Tony to leave his suit in Sentry mode, and then just walk around a newly raided warehouse all by himself, with no weapon.

- I adore Widow and Banner's relationship. How he is literally the top in his field, but misses every cue that is thrown his way. Plus, the fact that she has a lullaby to turn him from Hulk to Banner is the epitome of adorableness.

- I also want to know how Strucker was able to come into possession of not only Loki's Spear, but also an ENTIRE Alien/Metal Robot/Monster Vessels things that the Chitari were coming out of in the first one. Who is in charge of Inventory for Shield, because they really suck at their job!

- I am both Happy and Sad about the Wakanda Tie- In's.  This is Black Panther we're talking about here, there is no way, that if a thief got branded, that T'Challa was just gonna let him leave with billions of dollar's worth of Vibranium... C'mon NOW!

- I was a huge fan of the scene where they are all sitting around talking about Thor's Hammer, and then he gets super nervous when Cap moves it an inch. I was cracking up.

- I loved Stan Lee's Cameo, how they had to carry him away, talking about Excelsior.

- I wanna know what worked for Ultron to become alive? What was so special about Test-77?

-  I thought Ultron's first suit was super creepy! It was disturbing, I dunno if it was like motor oil, or blood but how his footsteps look foot prints, and how there were dozens of strings hanging. they did a great job of making him super creepy!

- I almost felt a little sad for War Machine, when his story killed at everyone else, but not with Tony and Thor.

- I freaking loved how sassy Ultron was! It was really great to finally see a villain with his own personality (albeit, a foundation from Starks). It's kind of true what they say, A hero is only as good as their villain.

- I thought Ultron's escape through the internet was freaking brilliant!

- It kind of pisses me off that Literally Stark fucks up three times, and gets away with it each time. The creation of the bombs that killed Pietro + Wanda's Parents, then the creation of Ultron, THEN AGAIN the creation Vision. Aish, He is literally the reason, the movie has a villian, but he just gets to ride off in the sunset in an audi car? Bullshit, I wanted him to be accountable. I also want to know why it was NOT discussed about His bombs, it wasn't even brought up again after Wanda explained it to Ultron.

- I had a few favorite One liners from the movie:
 Go To Sleep, Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep!
 Order and Chaos are the Same
 Only when I create a murder-bot
 Unbearably Naive, well I was born yesterday.
 Multiplying like a Catholic Rabbit.

- Renner Ruined Hawkeye for me. I liked how they tried to make him a likeable character with a backstory and family, but by then it was too late, and I saw him as one dimensional.

- I love the flashbacks into their lives. I want to know why they didn't do a Black Widow movie, it's not like they aren't going to make money off it, and there are dozens of little girls starving for representation Marvel, DO YOUR JOB!

- I wanna know why Cap's words didn't stop Tony from Creating Vision. I mean, it's not like he hasn't lived it! Every time, someone tries to stop a war before it starts, countless PEOPLE die. This movie only gave me more fuel, for my "I hate Iron Man" mobile.

- I love when they are on the floating Salvage Yard and Quicksilver attempts to grab Thor's Hammer. That expression he had as he was flying through the air was beyond hilarious.

- I love how Hawkeye's wife asked Stark to look at their tractor. It is literally the OLDEST tractor alive. It is the mother of All Tractors!

- I was a little scared of Scarlet Witch, I was really worried that they were going to mess up one of my favorite characters, but Elizabeth Olsen did a great job! Plus, she had points about certain characters the whole movie, and I was a little annoyed how easily everyone but the Cap ignored her.

- The line that Tony has when he's convincing Banner into creating YET ANOTHER robot with A.I., and he says that they are monsters, that they are mad scientists. NO, you're supposed to be heroes, not gods. Quit trying to stop trouble before it gets here, why didn't he listen to Cap, he would have been saved a lot of trouble.

- My favorite character has to be Quicksilver, (This Version is SO MUCH BETTER than DFP) His boyish Charm, Good Looks, and the genuine love and concern for his sister. I hate that he died. I hate that after everything that they go through, Quicksilver Dies and Iron Man, gets to go off into Glory. I also hate, that even though Helen Kim can create tissue, and Thor is the God of thunder, but they couldn't keep him alive?! Another huge issue for me, is DUDE, You are at TONY STARK's LABORATORY, why did he NOT have Bullet Proof ANYTHING?!

 Over all, I enjoyed the movie. Even with all my grievances with the movie, it kept my full attention, so much so I had to go see it a second time in order to write this. 4/5 Stars!
What did you like and not like about Age of Ultron? Comment Down below, or Hit me up on Twitter.

 Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,


 Twitter // Instagram // The Noire Menagerie

Lions, Octopi, Anchors Oh My!

May 1, 2015

Hi Gang!
 Last Weekend was so busy, I haven't even been able to fit writing about everything in one week! On the 18th, My mother, younger Sister, Bri, Alex and I went to go see The Lion King! My mother is a huge fan of the arts, and every time anything even remotely interesting comes to the theater, we go. I do have to say that The Lion King was definitely one of my utter favorites. Zazu broke the 4th wall often, the music was glorious, the special effects MAN OH MAN! I totally understand why it is still one of the top grossing Broadway performances of all time. I also understand why its still on-going! They must update it every time a new Disney Movie is released, in this performance, Zazu actually started singing Let it Go. My life was complete and my thirst for good comedy was quenched. It had me singing the entire soundtrack all the way until I went to bed around 3 a.m. If you have the opportunity to go see it, please do! It's freaking amazeballs! Even though, it was Saturday Night, Alex and I had no problem making it safely to Downtown, or even finding a parking space. We were able to get there early to take some outfit photos for the blog, I'll be doing more and more of those, since the weather is nice, and I can have more selection of backgrounds then the one clean spot on a white wall in my house! It also gives us more of on opportunity to get out and explore our community more, mwahaha, maybe even get Alex a bike so we can ride around together. I don't think I talked about it on the blog but about a week ago, I purchased a Schwinn FairHaven Cruiser in Buttercream, and it is so freaking adorable. It's incredibly easy to ride, and I've actually been using it to get to work. A healthy bit of exercise and I look adorable doing it! A win-Win combo to me.
 My younger sister purchased a selfie stick, which she took to the show and there are dozens of Group Selfie shots (Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a selfie?)  that will pepper my Instagram and Twitter timelines soon. I wore a dress I picked up from Sourpuss Clothing (Thanks @daintysquid for having it in your side bar, I never would have found them otherwise!) After the Musical, We headed to Bdubs, and gorged ourselves Traditional Wings, and ooey gooey Cheese Wedges! I absolutely adore my new dress! I instantly fell in love with the octopi and anchors! It's the perfect mix of 50's style and nautical design.

Dress// Sourpuss Clothing
Shoes// Unionbay Lace Oxfords

Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,


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