I'm getting a late start to this week, but I have been so busy you guys! I interviewed two gamer ladies, and am in the middle of putting together a third interview with another lovely Nerdy Shop owner. I discovered this thrift shop w/ furniture and I swear its my favorite place to be now! I bought a leaf table, it comes with two so it can sit up to 12 PEOPLE! Then, I got the most adorable antique chairs with a harp on the back of them, and a small antique yellow night stand, to go next to our brand new bed, the Watchtower, is under massive upheaval/ re-organization.
minimum raging, and absolutely no research! I got about as far as the introduction of Cube and Combo in Jet Set Radio before Ragequitting, I haven't picked it up since, I'll probably do some more during this week when I'm off, or this weekend,
since I have a 4 Day WEEKEND!
I scored a complete Mame Emulator, and Thousands of Roms for it, so I'll start doing some retro gaming and writing about that too. Technically, I am a retro gamer, since it's very rare for me to buy a game as soon as it comes out, ya know my wallet just won't let me, that's besides the point. There's a version of Magical Drop on there, that I'm literally itching to play, I'm being an adult though, and making sure all of my blogwork is done before hand (see what I did there?)
What have you guys been up too?! I want to interact more with you guys, so comment, or hit me up on twitter!
Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,
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