I've had the game for about three days, and I'm already on lv. 28, four expert levels, and I've caught 24 out of the 28 pokemon I've come across! I only have two complaints with this game.
1. The time limit: The game levels aren't timed, unless you are playing expert. My issue is that in order to play any level, you have to give up a heart. every half n Hour, you are rewarded 1 heart. If you don't play for a while, and come back to it, you will have a total of five hearts. You can buy more hearts with jewels, but they are so far and few in between, they are hard to find unless you go to the Nintendo E-shop, and buy them with (REAL) money! I am not a patient
2. The Catchability mechanism: Every level has a pokemon attached. The more effective the 4 sometimes 3 pokemon in your party are againt the wild one you're battling with makes it easier to defeat them. The faster they are defeated, the more moves you have left over. The moves are translated into pokeballs, that raise the catchability of a single pokemon, meaning the higher the catchability is, the easier it should be to catch the wild pokemon. Unfortunately, that doesn't always work out. In fact, I have an easier time catching pokemon with a lower catchability then a higher one. Plus, you only get one try per turn, which if you try again takes up another heart, and thus, you are still stuck waiting 30 minutes to continue your game.
If you have a Nintendo ID it is Free for you as well, just stop into the E-shop, log in, and revel in the awesomeness. Also, don't forget to add my friend code if you want to play with me! I'm always looking for new people to play with! I'm also working on Pokemon X from the beginning as well, So I'm up for any newbies that wanna battle!
Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,
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