I know that this post is super late, but I was having trouble figuring out cool things that I discovered in April, and not just the beginning of May. Once, I compartmentalized the two, the rest came very easily! Both Shows can be found on Netflix, if you'd be interested in watching them as well.

- The Crazy Ones: A short-lived comedy. It has Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Gellar in it, it's pretty funny, I laugh at something every episode so its definitely doing a good job in the comedy department.
- Feral Creature: I have been devouring Eugenie's Blog posts! I just love her looks and styling. I have so much wonderlust because of her and ClothesEncounters!
- Pink Samurai's Al Lewis: An Art blog that I just came across, put up a cat doodle of Al Lewis ( The Grandfather in The Munsters, one of my favorite black and white TV shows, I just had to share!
- A Different World: A spin off of the Cosby show, it follows Denise through her years at the prestigious Hillman College. The characters are hilarious, and there are lessons taught that still have value. Plus, Dwayne is hilarious, the poor guy only wants one date. Cut him some slack.
What are some of the cool things you liked this month? Keep the conversation flowing on Twitter!
Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,
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