Hey Gang!

I hope your Halloween went as well as mine did. I had a few friends and family over for our "annual" Movie marathon. This year however was very different, we only watched two movies, we played board games, card games, told scary stories and pretty much just enjoyed each other's company. I had an absolute blast, I can't wait to see whats in store for next year. There were so many kids trick or treating. We got kind of a slow start on it, but I had so much fun giving children candy and everyone that was at the party got the chance to give candy so that was pretty cool. I decided that I would be Pikachu to Alex's Ash instead of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf this year. I put makeup and my ears on and wore a floral dress, while Alex dressed up like Ash without the hat, it was much too hot, with everyone there to do the hat. My friends Claire and
Emily Dressed up as Goddesses of the Day and Night respectively and my sister decided to be a Swat Bombshell. She reminded me of Neicy Nash all Night. It was pretty Hilarious! Claire brought me the most beautiful super bright red and orange skein of Sock yarn, because she knows its my weakness. I also stopped and finally picked up my pre-ordered Tri-Force Heroes for my 3DS! I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet, because I was much to busy being social, but I plan on digging into it this weekend, because I'll be enjoying our two year anniversary. Emily and I put together a debate over which is Better #Pokemon V.S. #Digimon. Which I'll be editing throughout the week and it will be up on Youtube within the next week or So. You can find mine
here and Emily's
I hope you guys enjoyed your Halloween!If you'd like, tell me about it in the comments or on Twitter.
Stay Nerdy,
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