Kousagi: How long have you been a fan of makeup?
LEE-LEE: I remember being a little girl & being fascinated watching my mom apply her makeup. For as far back as I can remember, I have always loved playing around with makeup & dressing up. But it wasn't until high-school that I was allowed to experiment with my looks haha :)
Kousagi: What are your top 5 brands? And why?
Kousagi: What are your top 5 brands? And why?
LEE-LEE: MAC- Quality/Prices. I adore MAC lipsticks the most.
Bobbi Brown- This brand targets women with yellow/tan undertones, which I otherwise have a hard time finding.
Illamasqua- Absolutely amazing quality. High pigmented beautiful colors.
Urban Decay- Who doesn't love this brand? So many staples of mine are from Urban Decay. Especially eyeshadows & the infamous primer potion!
Yves Saint Laurent- For when I want to indulge and splurge a little. Their mascara & lipsticks are breathtaking!
Kousagi: How often do you wear makeup? Do you have any favorite techniques that you like to use or teach?
LEE-Lee: I wear makeup on & off throughout the week. Definitely don't find it necessary to rock a smokey eye & bold lip on an everyday basis, so throughout the week I have a simple 5 min face routine which includes powder foundation, liner, mascara, and some lipgloss & I'm good to go! As for a favorite technique, I think perfectly groomed brows are a MUST HAVE! I would never get them waxed; I tweeze them myself. And I do have a funny mascara routine that I use to get amazing "in your face" lashes. I actually have a whole video on it :)
Kousagi: Are you in school? If so what for and why?
Kousagi: Are you in school? If so what for and why?
Lee-Lee: I'm studying Criminal Justice. My dream career would be to follow in my dad's footsteps & become an N.Y.P.D. police officer. I've taken a few civil service exams, and scored pretty high if I do say so myself! Lol. Now it's time to wait around for that call.*Fingers crossed*
Kousagi: What possessed you to get a youtube?
Kousagi: What possessed you to get a youtube?
Lee-Lee: Actually, my fiance' had surprised me with a brand new laptop. It had an integrated webcam & I was just playing around, talking about my favorite hair products at the moment. On a whim, I uploaded it to Youtube. I was so surprised when people started to comment & subscribe. I didn't think anyone would want to watch me! Haha. It encouraged me to do more & more! The daily love I receive through comments & messages on my YouTube channel is so touching and inspirational. I love my subscribers so much- I can't describe how thankful I am for each & every one of them. YouTube has changed my life & I owe it all to my viewers!! :)
Kousagi: What kind of jewelry do you like to wear and where do you get it?
Kousagi: What kind of jewelry do you like to wear and where do you get it?
Lee-Lee: I usually become obsessed with one accessory at a time. Last summer it was big earrings, right now its big statement necklaces. It changes all the time! I love to shop for my jewelery at Forever21 and H&M. The prices are great since certain trends come & go quickly.
Kousagi: If you could be any super heroine, who would you choose and why?
Kousagi: If you could be any super heroine, who would you choose and why?
Lee-Lee: I love Lara Croft! She's a tough chica & sexy at the same time. She can do anything a man could do. Many people laugh when I tell them I'm studying to be an officer (especially men). But looks can be deceiving!! I may be extremely girly & love to wear dresses & heels but I'm also little & fiesty- like a chihuahua ;) Hahaha! I definitely have a tough/serious side in me that can command respect when needed.
Kousagi: What's your favorite type of music?
Kousagi: What's your favorite type of music?
Lee-Lee: I would have to say R&B would be my #1. I also have a sweet spot for rap and hip-hop. Anyone who knows me knows that im obsessed with anything Drake at the moment, what girl isn't? Lol. and of course reggaeton!!
Kousagi: Who is your style Icon?
Kousagi: Who is your style Icon?
Lee-Lee: I am hugely inspired by the Kardashian sisters. Everything is always on point! From the hair to the makeup to dresses to the bags to the shoes! They are absolutely gorgeous and perfect in my eyes.
Kousagi: Favorite Fashion icon.
Kousagi: Favorite Fashion icon.
Lee-Lee: I can't pick one! The Kardashians, Beyonce, Jeannie Mai, Jennifer Lopez- the list can go on & on!
Kousagi: How old are you and What is your favorite color?
Kousagi: How old are you and What is your favorite color?
Lee-Lee: I'm 22 :) I love pink, white, & gold.
Kousagi: Any tips for beginners that want to become gurus?
Kousagi: Any tips for beginners that want to become gurus?
Lee-Lee: Yes! Be yourself. Don't try to copy anyone else out there. People love to see you be the real you. Don't worry about subscribers and views- they will come in time. Be patient. Be dedicated but have fun. And have a thick skin when it comes to people who will bash you. Concentrate on the love, not the hate that you will receive. When it comes to the mean girls who spend time writing mean comments on every single one of my videos, or who message me mean things, or who create a whole blog dedicated to bashing gurus like myself, I like to tell myself "Mind over matter- I don't mind & you don't matter" God Bless!! Love you all!
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