Howdy Partners!
I headed up to Meijers the other day with my family and wouldn't you know it? They had yarn on CLEARANCE! I couldn't believe it, The most expensive ball of yarn I picked up was only 2.54! The one thing I don't like about yarn clearance is usually its the yarns that no one wants. The texture of the yarn is really rough or weird feeling, or it's because It looks like someone already used it and then rolled it back together, it just doesn't look enticing. This was not the case with that day's clearance yarn, I don't know why they lowered the prices but I was sure happy that they did! I know its been a really long time since I've written anything having to deal with yarn or crafting or anything even close to that effect, but like I've said before, I've got a hell of a lot more free time now.

Even though this spring/summer is starting to out to be a really hot one, yesterday it was 80 degrees over here. I plan of using my free time to get some projects done. I never finished Alex's scarf, Gi's still complaining about her watermelon pillow I "promised" her months ago. I've let a lot of projects slide, which is why I closed my shop, I couldn't bear people waiting on me while I lost interest in their projects. But If you haven't already noticed the for sale link in my navigation bar, the shop is back and looking better than ever. I'm so excited to get started creating new nerd-centric knitted fashions for ALL! As pictured I also picked up a knitting gauge, I figured not everything should be freeform. Maybe with some of my free time, I'll actually learn to read a pattern. *Shrug* Even though it had been a while since I did anything knitty, My fingers were practically itching to get started on something new, I can't wait til I get off work tonight to get started.
Are you guys excited to start a new project?
Stay Nerdy!
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