
May 23, 2017

Hey Gang!   Hello! If you are seeing this blog post, then that means you have come across my old blog. The original home for Nerdette At Large. I had a lot of fun here, and made a lot of memories. In the end, blogger was not the proper place to...

Series #27: Why Pretty Little Liars Stopped Being A Game

May 19, 2017

Hey Gang!  I don't talk about Pretty Little Liars a lot on the blog. One reason is that the story is so encompassing that if you aren't watching it you are going to be missing out on something. Another thing is that I am trying to do better about...

Nerdette Minute #49: Mini Shopping Haul and Sabrina

May 18, 2017

Hi Gang!  It's been like 3 weeks since my last youtube video. I am the worst, Burr. I just have to chalk all this up to my crazy 2nd job taking up all of my free time. Luckily, there is only one more shift and then I will be free for 3 whole...

D.I.Y.: Alolan Vulpix Ears

May 15, 2017

Hey Gang!  I know it's been a while since you've seen one of these posts. I would really like to do more of them, but I only really craft, when I'm cosplaying or closer to Halloween. I don't craft for others, more myself, and I'm trying to be better...

C2E2 '17 Masterpost

May 12, 2017

Hey, Gang!   I have finally gotten over my post-convention depression and now have the ability to tell you all about the shenanigans that were c2e2 this year. Just a heads up that this post will be open, candid and absolutely chock full of...

April Favorites

May 8, 2017

Hey, Gang!  I can't believe that it's already May. 2017 is zooming by and the summer is right around the corner. If you've been reading Nerdette At Large for a while, you'll know that I love summer. It's my favorite season, but it is also a completely...

Adventures with Spokhette #17 : Bookstore Bonanza

May 5, 2017

Hey, Gang!   My cousin Brianna turned 23 on the 17th, so I took her out on a shopping spree to celebrate. It was a blast. We had brunch at First Watch. Did you guys know they had shrimp? I didn't, so when I saw that they did, of course, I had to...


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