When I'm not blogging, or on twitter, I spend the rest of the time on Instagram. I love it, I get to see and learn about new people, and I am so inspired by all the people I follow. I follow 1092 accounts but I'm going to put together a list of my favorite accounts!
- @blobyblo: Tablo from Epik High. One of my favorite groups of all time, The Epik High crew, and backstage photos of his thought processes, now granted, Instagram doesn't have a translate button, so I can't understand what he's saying, but that doesn't deter me from enjoying his photos!

- @bettyfelon: She writes for Comics Alliance, and runs Fashion Tips from Comic Strips, a fashion blog that denotes trends in Comic books, and dupes that can be found online. I've been following her since I found her on Tumblr in '11, She's one of my favorites, nice sense of humor, great style and a fan of Video Games, Batman and Comics, She's A-ok in my book.
- @saboteursuicide: A suicidegirl from Atlanta, and an amazing artist! I have such a huge girl crush on her, I adore all her art, and she recently started doing tarot cards, I hope she does an entire deck, I would totally buy them! She makes these kick ass painted Globes, and you can find them here.
- @captaindangerous: Dangerous Pixel's Photographer. Videogames, and ethereal woodland photography, she's awesome. I love the photos she does with Legend of Zelda Action figures and such. They are just so freaking adorable!
- @_picolo: An artist, whose drawings make me smile. Last year he did a 365 drawing, a new one everyday. His talent is impeccable. Definitely something for you to check out.
- @izzknit: Seamstress and knitwear designer. Her posting is sporadic, but every time she does pop up, I instantly read what she has to say. I adore her pieces, I wish I could knit like her.
- @fringesupplyco: A company that creates tools and accessories for knitters and crocheters. Their photos are so beautifully choreographed, I find myself looking at them for quite some time before I realize it.
- @andisatt: Andi runs the incredibly helpful knitting blog Untangling Knots, and her Instagram is an extension of that. Small helpful tips, when you are in a bind, full of knitting inspiration and it keeps you up to date when she releases new patterns.
- @steamedeggs: A cosplayer, whose costumes, I thoroughly enjoy. Her profile is full of Work in Progress photos, plushie's she'd made, and differnt conventions she's been too. She's Definitelly on of my favorite to look through.
- @winklebeebee: There's at least new art every two days! Her art is so bright and vibrant, I adore them! I was actually in talks about getting a top secret commission done with her, that's how much I adore her stuff. I've just been so inspired by her art, it's made me wanna attempt some drawing as well, but we all know how piss poor that would be.
Well there you have it! My top 10 favorite Instagram Accounts to "Stalk", I hope you guys find some people on here that you didn't know about and follow them, because they are all worth a link. While you're there, don't forget to follow me! Just a thought, Until Next time Gang.
Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel,
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