This is going to be a super short post today. I'm in the midst of Baking and sewing commissions. I just wanted to pop on the blog and wish everyone a Happy Friday the 13th. I wish, I could partake in my usual Scary movie Marathon, but Unfortunately, I have real work to do today. So Instead, I will leave you a list of my favorite movies to watch, and maybe you guys can have your own marathon!

12.) Nightmare on Elm Street Remake
11.) My Bloody Valentine Remake
10.) The Omen
09.) Children of the Corn
08.) House of Wax Remake
07.) House of Wax
06.) The Town That Feared Sundown
05.) Friday the 13th
04.) Friday the 13th Pt. 2
03.) Nightmare on Elm Street
02.) House on Haunting Hill
01.) Halloween
I've seen all of these movies more than twice, and they continue to be staples in my scary movie collection. I hope you guys enjoy My list, and if there are some of your favorites, that you feel I should check out, I'm totally down! Leave em in the comments below, or hit me up on twitter @spokhette!
Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel,

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