Monday's post was a touch on the solemn side, so I thought I would brighten it up a bit, by doing something a little different. I wanted to use the end of the year to create some new content for you guys, but also new types of content. I've always liked Photography, but I don't honestly know if I'm any good at it. So, I thought I would go on little adventures with my Instax Mini that Alex bought me for my birthday and would later blog about it.
I went to see my sister's new place recently, now that it is properly lived in, I helped her move in a couple of months ago. She had all the cousins over, and it was just a great old time! I hadn't had all of my cousins in one place in a really long time, so it was a blast to be all together and to catch up. We had Gold Star Chili, played copious rounds of board games, and a couple of arcade fighters.

I knew it had been a while since I played an arcade fighter, because of my GOD my fingers were killing me. They were all stiff and brittle, and ached something fierce! It was such a weird feeling, because I used to play button-mashers all the time! I even played competitively in the convention circuit and I was pretty good if I did say so myself. After not seeing my cousins in so long, of course I had to take all of the pictures.
Do you use film? Tell me about your adventures on twitter!
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Until Next Time, Stay Nerdy, ~Spokhette!~
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