The summer is almost upon us, and with that comes more free time then usual. I have decided to spend mine re-learning how to sew. To give me a good push of motivation in the right direction, i stopped by jo-ann fabrics, who was having a sale on their printed character fabrics, 30% off! I got a little happy and purchased 2 yards each of 5 different fabrics costing me about $60 all together... So until I actually force myself to work with the 3 shelf cabinet that is currently full of fabric i wont be picking anything else up. I figured that i would make a little "tutorial" series out of my sewing experiences this summer, in case there were others like me who wanted to try something different. Heres the fabric i bought and the machines I'll be working with during this series. A singer machine from the 80's and a janome machine i bought two years ago that I hadn't used since, so ill be re stringing and all that good jazz and be showing you guys how to do it as well! I think i'll bring my youtube back to life with this little project, because my camera should be here shortly. (C'mon! Tax return) I picked up: Keroppi, Disney villians, Star Trek, Batman and Marvel comic covers, I cant wait to start this series guys!!! So if you like sewing, nerdy things, d.i.y.s and learning something new, this is definitely the series for you!
Until next time,
Stay Nerdy,
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