2016 has just been zooming by! Where is the time going? I can't believe it's already September!! At this rate, October and my favorite holiday, Halloween will be right around the corner!!! Here are a few of the things I enjoyed about August.
- I have had the tunes: Never Let Me Go + Too Much Is Never Enough by Florence and The Machine on repeat almost the entire month.

- I participated in my very first pin-up shoot this month. Done by the amazing Lady Creepin, Alex and I traveled to Columbus for this endeavor, I can't wait to get the pictures back!
- Nerdette At Large now has 60 followers on Bloglovin!! I've been gaining traction for the past couple of months and I'm so thankful for it! It feels so good to know that people are enjoying my content!
- Falling in love with Lumberjanes. I don't know why it took me so long to read it, but since I finished Volume 1 I've been itching for more. April is my Patronus. She has definitely earned a spot on my cosplay list.
- Being part of the Wedding Party for the first time. I was so nervous that I was going to mess something up. It's not my day, and it was my job to make sure that her day went smoothly, man that was a serious amount of stress. I had fun being such a special part of someone's day, but I don't know if I want to do that again. I don't do well in stressful situations.
- I did quite a bit of traveling this month. I drove up to Sandusky, OH for a business meeting, it was pretty neat, and then Columbus Ohio for a bit to do a photoshoot. I didn't really take pictures of the surroundings, but I had a blast. It had been a while since I had roadtripped/traveled anywhere, so it was nice to be back in my car, jams on the speakers and enjoying the open air surroundings.
- I got engaged, and my ring arrived. I won't go into too much detail right now, but there will definitely be a blog post later.
What are some of your favorite things from the Month of August? Lets chat on Twitter!!
Until Next Time,
Stay Nerdy,
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