I have organized the month so that each guest blogger gets their own days. They will be posting Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and My regular posts will be relegated to Tuesdays and Thursdays. I talk about how excited I am about Halloween all year long, but I figured it would be a blast to give a bunch of like minded ladies a podium to gush about their favorite holiday as well.
You'll learn about bloggers that you probably haven't heard of before, why they decided on their preferred medium, why they love Halloween, and what traditions they have for the glorious event. I can't wait for you guys to meet these ladies.

You'll be seeing posts from :
- The Geeky Burrow
- Layla Wrote
- Geeky Glamorous
- Pretty Brown and Nerdy
- Florals And Dragons
- Tales of Loutopia
- The Lily Moose
- Confessions of a Scorpio
- The Road to Hannah
- Tape Parade
And Many More!!!
Join the party, and lets talk about all the awesomeness that Halloween has to offer on twitter!
Until Next Time,
Stay Nerdy,
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