Now that we've been introduced lets get to the good stuff, Halloween.
Halloween is hands down my favorite holiday. I mean, c'mon! There are costumes and candy and spooky stuff. Three things that I absolutely adore, especially the spooky stuff. Like you can call me Mulder because I love love love television shows about that paranormal, I love witches and ghosts and haunted locations, as well as horror movies, etc. So when October rolls around it's like a month long celebration of all of the things I love.
These are some of my favorite Halloween movies & paranormal television shows
And then there are costumes. I love dressing up, which unless your able to go to a bunch of Cons (And I only ever get to go to New York Comic Con) is typically frowned upon. So I try to go all out for Halloween when I can or at least I try to.
As of the past several years my friends and I have really been into doing group costumes (i.e. - The Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus, Disney villains and so on). And this year is no different, we will all be dressing up as comic book villains (With a slight focus on DC Comics) to go out the Saturday night before Halloween.
I'm planning on, and still trying to get my shit together, to be lady Two-Face. Specifically Two-Face from Batman the Animated Series (1992-1995) because I don't dig Tommy Lee's from Batman Forever (1995) and I don't feel like applying tons of liquid latex to my face to try and be Aaron Eckhart's Two-Face from The Dark Knight (2008). We'll just have to wait and see what happens with that...
In terms of actual Halloween and a costume, I will be at work because it falls on a Monday this year but thankfully I am a children's librarian and am able to go to work in costume. So my friend/coworker Nicole and I are going to come in dressed like Daria and Jane from MTV's Daria (1997-2001). And I'm not going to lie, I'm super excited for it.
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