I have been so excited about Luke Cage since I did the video about the trailer. So when It came out Friday, I just knew that I had to watch it over the weekend. I wound up finishing it around 8 ish on Saturday. I took notes during the 13 episode binge, and Now I'm about to tell ya about it. Slight spoilers will be found ahead, so make sure you watch it before you keep reading ok?
The Feel is old school black. Like Can you dig it? Shaft Old School Black. The dialogue washed over me like a summer's day spent in my grandmother's kitchen. Homage paid to the greats, both new and old. Talk of blacks for blacks, a sense of community. A battle of the old school versus new, this cat Cottonmouth wants to take over where Fisk Left off. He doesn't care who he has to bloody to do it. And Luke? He just wants to protect those who needs it.
So, the girl he "picks up at the bar" is Misty Knight and she's schooling Homeboys on the court and in the field, but....Is she gonna have the arm though? Claire will single handedly heal all the hero's and Bobby Fish has been laying all the clues for Heros for Hire. I love the backstory of how luke met his wife, Shades and Comanche, I hate that so many people have taken advantage of Luke, that he can't trust anyone. Or even make friends because he'll be scared of them getting hurt, or used as leverage, like Poor Squabbles.
All that hard work and lives lost to put Cottonmouth away, and he's out in like half an episode. How much evidence is truly needed. They could use the notebook with all those names alone, just to hold him in booking. Also, the episode that gave his backstory was great! They gave the original costume, along with the gauntlets and they even used his slogan "Sweet Christmas!" When Cornell used the rocket and he said "Sweet Sister:, that was pretty perfect.

Brother Willis turns into Diamondback, and set Luke up from Jumspstreet. He would never have gone to seagate if he hadn't been set up. I was a little disappointed in Bisty not being on Claire's side. Two Women of color that should on the same side fighting corruption, But yet and still they put them against each other.

Until Next Time, Stay Nerdy, ~Spokhette!~
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