Hey Gang!
Can you guys believe that the end of the year is almost near? I can't believe that it went by so fast. The beginning wasn't bad, but the last couple of months, have been pretty disasterous, at least for me. I'm not going to rehash my feeling about the election, but if you are interested you can read all about it here.
I watched a ton of great movies, read a bunch of books, and played quite a few games, I figured I would talk about a few of my favorite games today! For 2016 I had a PS4 and a Nintendo 3DSXL and a "new" 3DSXL. My grouping of favorites is always organized by how much I enjoyed the video game, not how popular it is, or was. I tend to buy games after their prime, so there maybe a few older games in the bunch. So without further ado, here we go!

- RadioHammer 3DS: I don't want to go into full detail about this game here, because I actually wrote a decent post about it when I completed it this year. Its just a super fun rhythm game, that was easy to catch on and thoroughly enjoyable. I really push Tiny Cartridge anyway I can, not because they pay me or anything, but just because they are so informative when it comes to both mainstream and indie handheld games, and its awesome, to be so well informed.
- Tomb Raider PS4: When I was younger I can remember playing Tomb Raider for the Playstation and it was a fun time. But this edition for the PS4 has just surpassed everything that I remember. My heart jumps when something crazy happens, I breathe shallowly as I creep through the jungle and I jump right before I have to kill an animal, the game is so flipping life-like. My poor little ticker just can't handle the stress, but I had SO SO much fun playing it. Once I get my studio set up in the new house I will definitely be playing a lot of PS4 games next year!
- Sailor Moon Drops (Phone): Special Mention. I generally don't blog about phone games, but I have spent some serious playhours on this game. I can play it pretty much anywhere as long as my phone stays charged, and I am loving the nostalgia of seeing all of my favorite characters again as I do one of my favorite things ever, complete puzzle challenges.
What are some games that you guys are loving this year? Lets chat about it on twitter.
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