I know this probably a little late in the month to be doing favorites, but I say, who CARES?! I wanna tell you about all the things and events that I loved last month so here it goes.

- Surviving my 2nd season. I am a child photographer. I photograph children from Infants to 5 years old. It is a stressful and yet very rewarding job. This was my 2nd season, and I was hired in the middle of my first season, so I didnt really get all of the stress that my fellow photographers had. This season I worked from beginning to end, and I am very very proud of myself.

- Getting my Wild hair back! I missed having colored hair so so so much! Its not that my jobs disprove of it or anything, it just gets hot sitting on top of my head in the summer, so I don't do it, and then this thing called bills got in the way, and by the time I realized it, it was already almost the end of the year. This color is called Emerald, I think I might try a purple next time.
- Reviving the Youtube. I feel like this is a favorite every couple of months. December is definitely the month for my youtube. Not only am I uploading often, but also writing about it on the blog, and I'm doing much better with actually getting
- Reviving the Youtube. I feel like this is a favorite every couple of months. December is definitely the month for my youtube, not only uploading often, but also writing about it on the blog, and I'm doing much better with actually getting the word out that I even have a youtube channel, because surprisingly, not a lot of people know about it. I even made a new header!
What are some of your favorite things for November? Lets talk about it on Twitter!
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